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Updating JavaScript object-attributes from another object [duplicate]

I want to update an object that could look like this:

currentObject = {     someValue : "value",     myObject : {         attribute1 : "foo",         attribute2 : "bar"     } }; 

.. with an object that contains some changes i.e.:

updateObject = {     myObject : {         attribute2 : "hello world"     } }; 

At the end I would like to have currentObject updated so that:

currentObject.myObject.attribute2 == "hello world" 

That should be posible for other objects as well.. As a solution I thought about iterating over the object and somehow take care of the namespace. But I wonder if there is an easy solution for that problem by using a library like jQuery or prototype.

like image 928
Luca Hofmann Avatar asked Sep 21 '12 16:09

Luca Hofmann

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Updating Object Properties After you've created a JavaScript object, you can update its properties at any time just like you would update any other variable. You can use either dot or bracket notation to update. For example, let's look at ourDog:

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Think about what it does. It takes one of the references to an object and then it uses that reference to get access to the actual value stored inside of that object. And then it updates the existing value with a new value - "Updated value". In other words - it mutates the original object that we've declared at the very beginning of our code.

1 Answers

I suggest using underscore.js (or better, lo-dash) extend:

_.extend(destination, *sources)

Copy all of the properties in the source objects over to the destination object, and return the destination object. It's in-order, so the last source will override properties of the same name in previous arguments.

_.extend({name: 'moe'}, {age: 50}); => {name: 'moe', age: 50} 
like image 150
bluehallu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
