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Updating int array gets converted to double array in Mongo shell

I have int array to update in collection using mongo shell .When I update it actually it stores in double format .

var  array =[1,2,3];     // int array as all elements are int 
                         // Update query where path is the collection field
 db.doc.update({},{$set : {“path”:array}},{ upsert: true });  

Actually it stored:

  "_id" : ObjectId("529ae0e70971d81eedf5cb3d"),
  "path" : [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

I am novice to mongo and have to run update query in mongo shell. How to avoid auto double conversion.

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Sumeet Kumar Yadav Avatar asked Dec 01 '13 07:12

Sumeet Kumar Yadav

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1 Answers

Mongoshell treats numbers as float by default. So if you want them to be treated as something else, tell this to mongo explicitly. For your case, you have to use NumberInt().

So var array = [NumberInt("1"), NumberInt("2"), NumberInt("3")];

P.S. you might find my another answer (which is similar) helpful as well.

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Salvador Dali Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Salvador Dali