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use xhr.onprogress to process large ajax download without running out of memory?

Say my company serves a large log file (4+ GB), where the most recent logs are at the top. I want to build a webpage to search that file for a keyword "Mike". Bandwidth is not a restriction, but this webpage can only be static files (i.e. no server-side functionality).

Example log file:

Joe completed Task 1234 on 2013-10-10
Joe completed Task 1235 on 2013-10-11
Mike completed Task 1236 on 2013-10-11
Joe completed Task 1237 on 2013-10-13

Obviously, I can't put the entire file into memory in the browser, so I'm trying to find a way to request the file, search the data as it gets downloaded, then throw away non-relevant data to save memory. I am using the xhr.onprogress event to get the partially downloaded log file via xhr.responseText and search that, but I can't reset the responseText after I'm done reading it.

Here's my algorithm so far:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onprogress = function(e){
    var cur_len = xhr.responseText.length;
    var found_mike = xhr.responseText.indexOf("Mike") != -1 ? true : false;
    xhr.responseText = ""; //clear responseText to save memory
    console.log("%d - %s - %d", cur_len, found_mike, xhr.responseText.length);
xhr.open("get", "mylogfile.txt", true);

I would expect the console to say something like 234343 - false - 0, but instead I get 234343 - false - 234343, and the browser runs out of memory (since responseText isn't being cleared).

Is there a way I can discard the responseText so that the browser can download and process a file without holding the entire file in memory?

EDIT: Also, if responseText is read-only, why doesn't it throw an error/warning?

like image 283
user749618 Avatar asked Nov 18 '13 21:11


1 Answers

After asking a friend, and he had a great answer: Range headers (stackoverflow question, jsfiddle)

var chunk_size = 100000; //100kb chunks
var regexp = /Mike/g;
var mikes = [];
function next_chunk(pos, file_len){
    if(pos > file_len){
    var chunk_end = pos + chunk_size < file_len ? pos + chunk_size : file_len;
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
        if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 206){
            //push mikes to result
            while ((match = regexp.exec(xhr.responseText)) != null) {
                mikes.push(pos + match.index);
            //request next chunk
            file_len = parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Range").split("/")[1]);
            next_chunk(chunk_end + 1, file_len);
    xhr.open("get", "mylogfile.txt", true);
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + pos + "-" + chunk_end);
next_chunk(0, chunk_size);
like image 59
user749618 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
