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Updating a member's group interests using MailChimp API V3

I am running the following code (I've hidden ID's) to add/update a subscriber's interest groups in a MailChimp list:

$mailchimp->patch('lists/1234567/members/' . md5('[email protected]'), [
    'status' => 'subscribed',
    'merge_fields' => array(
        'FNAME' => 'Ben',
        'LNAME' => 'Sinclair',
    'interests' => array(
        'abcd1234' => true,
        'defg6789' => true,

The interests key is what I'm having issues with.

I presumed whatever you put in this key will overwrite what currently exists.

It doesn't seem to be the case. It only adds new interests but does not remove any if the ID's are not in the array. I am not getting any errors.

Does anyone know how to overwrite interest groups? Or if that's not possible, is there a way to remove interest groups?

like image 826
Ben Sinclair Avatar asked May 16 '16 06:05

Ben Sinclair

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1 Answers

For completion I wanted to add this answer so people stumbling upon this post can find a quick solution.

$mailchimp->patch('lists/1234567/members/' . md5('[email protected]'), [
    'status' => 'subscribed',
    'merge_fields' => array(
        'FNAME' => 'Ben',
        'LNAME' => 'Sinclair',
    'interests' => array(
        'abcd1234' => true, // Attached
        'defg6789' => false, // Detached

In this example the interest 'abcd1234' will be attached and the interest 'defg6789' will be detached.

Other interests that are not listed will remain on their original value.

like image 101
Sam Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10
