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Updated Screen Sizes Chart

Google provides a chart of Android screen sizes, based on devices accessing the Android Market. Unfortunately, it's very old; it's from August 2010.

Is there somewhere I can find fresher data?

(Why do I ask? I'm pretty sure that the August chart is no longer accurate. It shows 45.9% of users having Normal/MDPI screens [i.e. 320x480 resolution], but there are almost no devices being sold in 2011 that have Normal/MDPI screens. Plus, the version chart updated in April 2011 indicates that over 90% of today's Android users have Android 2.x, but there are extremely few Normal/MDPI devices that support Android 2.x; most of them were stuck on Android 1.6.)

like image 880
Dan Fabulich Avatar asked Oct 12 '22 08:10

Dan Fabulich

1 Answers

This chart of screen sizes is current as of at least March 2012.


like image 101
Fluffhead Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
