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Update VS Code and Kaspersky certificate

I just wanted to start VS Code on Windows Subsystem Linux but VS Code updates automatically. The issue is a certificate which VS Code wants to access but it is blocked by kaspersky. Kaspersky is installed on Windows 10. I have the Total Securiy Version. Does somebody have a hint? What should I change?

micha@LAPTOP-TD50FJUH:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32$ code . Updating VS Code Server to version 8490d3dde47c57ba65ec40dd192d014fd2113496 Removing previous installation... Installing VS Code Server for x64 (8490d3dde47c57ba65ec40dd192d014fd2113496) Downloading: 100% Failed --2021-02-05 18:15:16-- https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:8490d3dde47c57ba65ec40dd192d014fd2113496/server-linux-x64/stable Resolving update.code.visualstudio.com (update.code.visualstudio.com)... Connecting to update.code.visualstudio.com (update.code.visualstudio.com)||:443... connected. ERROR: cannot verify update.code.visualstudio.com's certificate, issued by ‘CN=Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate,O=AO Kaspersky Lab’: Self-signed certificate encountered. To connect to update.code.visualstudio.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'. ERROR: Failed to download https://update.code.visualstudio.com/commit:8490d3dde47c57ba65ec40dd192d014fd2113496/server-linux-x64/stable to /home/micha/.vscode-server/bin/8490d3dde47c57ba65ec40dd192d014fd2113496-1612545315.tar.gz Please install missing certificates. Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ca-certificates

I have already installed ca-certificates without any Problem.

like image 897
huhu_there Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 16:12


1 Answers

I solved this error:

  1. (Add Last Line to /etc/wgetrc) - check_certificate = off


everton@LPEw:/$ code
Updating VS Code Server to version 3c4e3df9e89829dce27b7b5c24508306b151f30d
Removing previous installation...
Installing VS Code Server for x64 (3c4e3df9e89829dce27b7b5c24508306b151f30d)
Downloading: 100%
Unpacking: 100%
Unpacked 1719 files and folders to /home/everton/.vscode-server/bin/3c4e3df9e89829dce27b7b5c24508306b151f30d.

like image 78
Everton P M A Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 19:12

Everton P M A