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Update Redshift table from query

I'm trying to update a table in Redshift from query:

update mr_usage_au au
inner join(select mr.UserId,
                  date(mr.ActionDate) as ActionDate,
                  count(case when mr.EventId in (32) then mr.UserId end) as Moods,
                  count(case when mr.EventId in (33) then mr.UserId end) as Activities,
                  sum(case when mr.EventId in (10) then mr.Duration end) as Duration
           from   mr_session_log mr
           where  mr.EventTime >= current_date - interval '1 days' and mr.EventTime < current_date
           Group By mr.UserId,
                    date(mr.ActionDate)) slog on slog.UserId=au.UserId
                                             and slog.ActionDate=au.Date
set au.Moods = slog.Moods,

But I receive the following error:

ERROR: syntax error at or near "au".
like image 701
user3600910 Avatar asked Aug 27 '15 13:08


People also ask

How do you refresh a table in Redshift?

To update the data in a materialized view, you can use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW statement at any time. When you use this statement, Amazon Redshift identifies changes that have taken place in the base table or tables, and then applies those changes to the materialized view.

Can we update data in Redshift?

While Amazon Redshift does not support a single merge, or upsert, command to update a table from a single data source, you can perform a merge operation by creating a staging table and then using one of the methods described in this section to update the target table from the staging table.

How do I write a Redshift update statement?

The correct syntax is: UPDATE table_name SET column = { expression | DEFAULT } [,...] So your UPDATE statement should look as follows: update t1 set val1 = val3 from t2 inner join t3 on t2.

Can we alter table in Redshift?

Amazon Redshift supports the row-level security control of the ALTER TABLE clause: ALTER TABLE tablename ROW LEVEL SECURITY { ON | OFF }; To enable auto-refreshing of a materialized view, use the following ALTER TABLE command.

1 Answers

This is completely invalid syntax for Redshift (or Postgres). Reminds me of SQL Server ...

Should work like this (at least on current Postgres):

UPDATE mr_usage_au
SET    Moods = slog.Moods
     , Activities = slog.Activities
     , Durarion = slog.Duration       
   select UserId
        , ActionDate::date
        , count(CASE WHEN EventId = 32 THEN UserId END) AS Moods
        , count(CASE WHEN EventId = 33 THEN UserId END) AS Activities
        , sum(CASE WHEN EventId = 10 THEN Duration END) AS Duration
   FROM   mr_session_log
   WHERE  EventTime >= current_date - 1  -- just subtract integer from a date
   AND    EventTime <  current_date
   GROUP  BY UserId, ActionDate::date
   ) slog
WHERE slog.UserId = mr_usage_au.UserId
AND   slog.ActionDate = mr_usage_au.Date;

This is generally the case for Postgres and Redshift:

  • Use a FROM clause to join in additional tables.
  • You cannot table-qualify target columns in the SET clause.

Also, Redshift was forked from PostgreSQL 8.0.2, which is very long ago. Only some later updates to Postgres were applied.

  • For instance, Postgres 8.0 did not allow a table alias in an UPDATE statement, yet - which is the reason behind the error you see.

I simplified some other details.

like image 135
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Erwin Brandstetter