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Update or create nested jsonb value using single update command

Let us say I have [in Postgres 9.6] a JSONB column named xyz. In an update, I want to set the .foo.bar key of this column to {"done":true}.

But the update must tolerate that the pre-update value for xyz is anything from {} to

    "abc": "Hello"

or maybe

    "foo": {
        "baz": { "done": false }
    "abc": "Hello"

So I cannot use jsonb_set straight away, because it fails if xyz->foo is undefined. In that case I could use jsonb_insert, but that fails if xyz->foo is already defined.

So I try to use concatenation, with something like

    jsonb_set(xyz, '{foo}', '{}'::jsonb || xyz->'foo', true),
    '{foo, bar}', '{"done":true}', true

...which also fails when foo is undefined since xyz->'foo' is null which overrides {} in the concatenation.

Obviously I could write a function that uses an if to get around this, but I really feel I should be able to do it in a single update.

like image 794
Jesper We Avatar asked Feb 20 '18 15:02

Jesper We

People also ask

How do you update objects in Jsonb arrays with PostgreSQL?

Postgres offers a jsonb_set function for updating JSON fields. The second parameter path defines, which property you want to update. To update items in an array, you can use an index-based approach. To update the first entry in the items array in the example above, a path woud look like this: {items, 0, customerId} .

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Because JSONB stores data in a binary format, queries process significantly faster. Storing data in binary form allows Postgres to access a particular JSON key-value pair without reading the entire JSON record. The reduced disk load speeds up overall performance. Support for indexing.

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In general, most applications should prefer to store JSON data as jsonb , unless there are quite specialized needs, such as legacy assumptions about ordering of object keys. RFC 7159 specifies that JSON strings should be encoded in UTF8.

What is Jsonb in SQL?

The JSONB data type stores JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data as a binary representation of the JSONB value, which eliminates whitespace, duplicate keys, and key ordering. JSONB supports GIN indexes.

2 Answers

For this example:

    "foo": {
        "baz": { "done": false }
    "abc": "Hello"


You have to use jsonb_insert you can test it with a SELECT.

SELECT jsonb_insert(xyz, '{foo,bar}', '{"done":true}'::jsonb) FROM tablename;

Note: With jsonb_insert is really important to set the path correctly. Here the path is '{foo:bar}' meaning that you will insert a JSON inside the object foo called bar.

Hence, the result is:

    "abc": "Hello",
    "foo": {
        "baz": {
            "done": false
        "bar": {
            "done": true


To edit bar and set it to false you have to use jsonb_set. You can test it with SELECT:

SELECT jsonb_set(xyz, '{foo,bar}', '{"done":false}'::jsonb) FROM tablename;

This returns:

    "abc": "Hello",
    "foo": {
        "baz": {
            "done": false
        "bar": {
            "done": false


You use jsonb_set when the object exists and jsonb_insert when it doesn't. To update without knowing which one to use, you can use CASE

UPDATE tablename SET 
xyz= (CASE
        WHEN xyz->'foo' IS NOT NULL
        THEN jsonb_set(xyz, '{foo,bar}', '{"done":false}'::jsonb)
        WHEN xyz->'foo' IS NULL
        THEN jsonb_insert(xyz, '{foo}', '{"bar":{"done":true}}'::jsonb)
WHERE id=1;-- if you use an id to identify the JSON.

You can add some CASE clauses for more specific values.

like image 131
Dan Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10


You can just use || to concatenate. It will overwrite or add any json value.

SELECT '{}'::jsonb || '{"foo":"bar"}'::jsonb
UPDATE tablename SET jdoc = jdoc || '{"foo":"bar"}'::jsonb

It's that easy. I rarely use the functions in my software.

In the case of merging:

create or replace function jsonb_merge(orig jsonb, delta jsonb)
returns jsonb language sql as $$
            coalesce(keyOrig, keyDelta),
                when valOrig isnull then valDelta
                when valDelta isnull then valOrig
                when (jsonb_typeof(valOrig) <> 'object' or jsonb_typeof(valDelta) <> 'object') then valDelta
                else jsonb_merge(valOrig, valDelta)
    from jsonb_each(orig) e1(keyOrig, valOrig)
    full join jsonb_each(delta) e2(keyDelta, valDelta) on keyOrig = keyDelta
like image 25
eatmeimadanish Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10
