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Update graph from json data

I got a go program that outputs json data:

{ "cpu" : { 
      "Idle" : 9875425,
      "Iowait" : 28338,
      "Irq" : 5,
      "Nice" : 9707,
      "Softirq" : 4051,
      "System" : 153933,
      "Time" : 1329211407,
      "User" : 392229
"cpu0" : { 
      "Idle" : 2417441,
      "Iowait" : 3212,
      "Irq" : 5,
      "Nice" : 1419,
      "Softirq" : 3935,
      "System" : 62177,
      "Time" : 1329211407,
      "User" : 109227

I'm looking for a good efficient way to present and update a graph using javascript (say for every 1s).

like image 921
rkthkr Avatar asked Feb 14 '12 09:02


3 Answers

There is no shortage of javascript libraries to graph data. I've worked with Highcharts, which is free for personal projects. To make a graph using your data in highcharts, you could do something like this:

var data = [] //your data from above; you'll need to convert it to an array of y-values or one of the other available formats

var chart;
$(document).ready(function() {
    chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
        chart: {
            renderTo: 'container',
            defaultSeriesType: 'line',
        series: [{
            name: 'Series Title',
            data: data

...However, as mentioned, there are lots of JS graphing libraries. To name a few:

  • JQPlot
  • D3
  • Processing.js
  • Sencha Charts

If you're looking for a more specific answer, I'm not sure folks can offer that much in response to a vague question.

like image 80
NT3RP Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10


I'm a big fan of dygraphs. Very powerful. Very flexible.

like image 45
graphicdivine Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10


I like to work with the d3js library for this kind of work.


It has very nice functions to update graphs with new data.

Maybe you can base your work on the "bullet charts" example.

like image 43
Alex Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10
