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Update entity from DTO with hibernate erases other fields

I have two classes, let say

public class Product{
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Provider provider;
    //getter & setter

public class Provider{
    private Long id;
    private String name
    //getter & setter

and the corresponding DTO

public class ProductDTO{
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private ProviderDTO provider;
    //getter & setter

to simplify ProductDTO and product have the same attribute, I'm using dozer Mapping to map the entity to the DTO and send it to the view. I have a view where the user only can make changes in productDTO.name (it is an update) and when he sends the changes to the server I make something like


ProductServices has

public void update(ProductDTO p){
        Product p = DozerMapper.map(productDTO,ProductDTO.class);

inside productDao (I'm using spring so I'm injecting sessionFactory and doing, and ProductServices has the @Transactioanl annotation)


So Hibernate make an update and sets provider_id=null, I know that it is right because the product that I'm sending to the ProductServices.update doesn't have provider set and Hibernate will take as the product doesn't have provider an update it in database. Problem is that I'm not sure how can I solve this, I'm newie with hibernate and the only solutions that I found is to perform a select and check field by field and see what value has changed, but if, for example, I have a more complex object I will have to write a lot of code to check every field.

Anybody knows a better solutions or how I can modify mi code to handle correctly this situation?

I'm using Spring 3.1 With hibernate 3.6.

Thanks in advance.

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UserMan Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 08:03


1 Answers

The problem is not hibernate, the "problem" is Dozer.

You need to load the entity from the database first (Hibernate). Then let Dozer only modify the fields that you want to modify (but not the id), and then let Hibernate save the updated entity.

I don't know Dozer in detail, so that this code as an raw sketch:

public void update(ProductDTO dto){
    Product p = productDao.loadById(dto.getId());
    DozerMapper.map(dto,p); //you need to configure dozer to that it only map the fields you want to map.
like image 154
Ralph Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 20:04
