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Tomcat 8 jpda port

The page of migration to "tomcat 8" says (http://tomcat.apache.org/migration-8.html): "When starting Tomcat with the jpda option to enable remote debugging, Tomcat 8 listens on localhost:8000 by default. Earlier versions listened on *:8000"

1.what is the actual different between those configuration?

Thanks, Eyal

like image 245
Eyal leshem Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 09:03

Eyal leshem

1 Answers

I have filed that issue to change that to Tomcat 8. For a very good reason: If you provide *:8080, everyone who is on your network is able to hook into your VM and debug and maybe disclose sensitive data, moreover periodical Nessus scan in my company and others report that as a vulnerability. All you need to do is set the environment variable JPDA_ADDRESS to IP:PORT, ideally in your setenv.sh.

like image 67
Michael-O Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 14:03
