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Update ContextModelSnapshot EF Core

I'm newer to EF Core, so please forgive me if there is a trivial answer.

Take this scenario....

A new web-application is being developed using the latest version of ASP.NET Core, with a code-first approach. At some point, the ContextModelSnapshot became out of sync with the database, due to deletions or source control. We cannot delete the database and recreate it.

Question: How can the snapshot be 're-synced' with the database?

like image 572
Corey P Avatar asked May 04 '18 18:05

Corey P

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1 Answers

You can execute the command

Add-migration temporary

to create a new empty migration. Then, run

Remove-Migration temporary (or their dotnet-cli counterparts)

In recent editions of EF Core (3+), just use:

Remove-Migration (will revert the last migration)

It will create model snapshot from scratch even if the migration has already been deleted. This approach works perfectly for Ef core 2.2.0-rtm-35687

like image 178
M. Artem Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

M. Artem