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Update all objects in a collection using LINQ

Is there a way to do the following using LINQ?

foreach (var c in collection) {     c.PropertyToSet = value; } 

To clarify, I want to iterate through each object in a collection and then update a property on each object.

My use case is I have a bunch of comments on a blog post, and I want to iterate through each comment on a blog post and set the datetime on the blog post to be +10 hours. I could do it in SQL, but I want to keep it in the business layer.

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lomaxx Avatar asked Dec 29 '08 22:12


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2 Answers

While you can use a ForEach extension method, if you want to use just the framework you can do

collection.Select(c => {c.PropertyToSet = value; return c;}).ToList(); 

The ToList is needed in order to evaluate the select immediately due to lazy evaluation.

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Cameron MacFarland Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10

Cameron MacFarland

collection.ToList().ForEach(c => c.PropertyToSet = value); 
like image 41
Ε Г И І И О Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 12:10