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Update a Div Automatically with Jquery When New Record Added in MySql Database





I'm making a Social networking website for my friends. i wanted to know how i would Update a Div containing few inserted records of the database, when a new record is added in the database. In short you must have seen the live notifications of facebook, which fade in when someone does something . this all happens without the refreshing of the whole live notification div. only the new notification is prepend to the div.

I would like to do this using jquery and AJAX as i have good knowledge about them. and PHP as the server side language.

Thank you in Advance.

P.S : I have searched many websites for the solution, but couldnt find it anywhere. i Even tried going through facebook's Source code but couldnt find it there too ! I hope someone helps me here ! *crossed fingers*

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Samir Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 00:12


3 Answers

You can either use Ajax Push to send a notification that the post is updated, or you can make it pull-driven. The latter would probably be easier for you if you already know jquery and Ajax with PHP.

Periodically check for new records on an interval (using setInterval, for example) and if you find them, load them to the DOM and fade them in. The interval doesn't have to be very small and waste resources .. maybe something as long as every 30 seconds will do.

setInterval('checkForUpdates', 30000);
var lastTime = (new Date()).getTime();
function checkForUpdates() {
   $.get('/php-page-that-checks-for-updates.php?timestamp=' . lastTime
      , function (results) {
         if (results) { /* fade into dom */ }
   lastTime = (new Date()).getTime();

PHP page:

$timestamp = $_REQUEST['timestamp'];
$results = query('SELECT post FROM posts WHERE postTime > "$timestamp"');
echo fetch($results);

As others suggested, you can also mark posts as "read" and use that as an indicator instead of the timestamp, which will also solve a time zone problem with my example. I wouldn't want to add an extra column just to do this, but if you already have one for some other reason it'd be a good idea.

EDIT: This is a pretty old answer, but if you can still do it I would use WebSockets instead of any kind of ajax long polling. I don't think that PHP is a great language (I would suggest using socket.io with Node.js), but it is possible.

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Explosion Pills Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Explosion Pills

Basically it goes something like this:

Create a javascript function on your page that makes an ajax call (with jquery or native xhr or what not) to a php page. The php page keeps track of "new stuff" and returns it when called. The js function, when receiving data, add new tags (divs or whatever) to the notification bar. The function is called every once in a while with javascript's setTimeout function.

If some of these steps are confusing to you please ask a more specific question.

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Klaus Byskov Pedersen Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Klaus Byskov Pedersen

You can use jQuery's $.getJSON() method to access a PHP page. This PHP page would grab all unread notifications (you could add a column in your notifications table called "read" and set it to 0 for unread and 1 for unread) and return them as a JSON feed.

Parse the JSON and make each one a div that shows up on the page. Then wrap this all in a setInterval() and run it every millisecond (or half a second, or quarter of a second, it's up to you).

Also, to mark them as read, set up a click event on these divs that you created from the JSON notification feed. On click, it will contact another PHP page (you can use $.post or $.get) which will receive the id of the notification, for example, and change the read column to 1.

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Purag Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
