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Dynamically changing image colours

I am developing an application which displays multiple views as tables (for example customers, products, etc.). The last column of each row contains buttons, using which the user can perform some actions on a specific row. Simplified example:

<td class="actions">
  <a href="projects/some-project/edit">
    <img src="images/edit-project.png" alt="Edit project" />
  <a href="projects/some-project/do-something">
    <img src="images/someaction.png" alt="Do something else with the project" />

The images are transparent pngs. The amount of buttons per table can vary, now there are about 30 in total.

I was asked to make changes in the application css styles, so different tables can now have different colours, for example the customers table now has some grrenish tint, the projects one is blue and so on. Moreover, "odd" table rows have a slightly different colour than "even" ones. The rows also change colours if they are selected.

The problem is that the design states that the buttons have to change colours along with the rows. This requires making lots of button - colour combinations, and there will be more buttons added in the future.

I think a better way than assigning the designer with making hundreds of versions of the buttons in different colours is to make it dynamically, depending on the table class. My question is - what would be the most efficient way to do it? The application uses php as the server-side language and javascript with jQuery on the client side. The problem with the images is that they are not monochrome but use multiple colours so I would have to manipulate their HSL according to css classes.

If the better way if to use php, I would probably use ImageMagick. The question is what is the best method to acquire an image coloured very closely to a provided colour.

like image 769
Przemek Avatar asked Nov 23 '11 12:11


People also ask

How do I change the color of a dynamic Div?

To achieve this, you must set the --backcol within the var function as the value of the body background-color. var inputcolor = document. getElementById("favcolor"); var root = document.

How can change IMG tag color in SVG?

Edit your SVG file, add fill="currentColor" to svg tag and make sure to remove any other fill property from the file. Note that currentColor is a keyword (not a fixed color in use). After that, you can change the color using CSS, by setting the color property of the element or from it's parent.

2 Answers

I would use jQuery for this and set the color behind the png or of the png regarding the css class/es of the table.

Dont use too much php like Imagemagick because it slows down the rendering of the page dramatically.

take a look at Pixastic (coloradjust)
https://github.com/jseidelin/pixastic http://www.pixastic.com/lib/docs/actions/coloradjust/

or PaintbrushJS (colour tint)

or CamanJS (colorize)

or VintageJS

like image 138
Daniel Ruf Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Daniel Ruf

Can you post one of those images? Because if it's transparent as you say, you could just style the a that contains those images.

For example:

.actions > a {
    width: 40px;
    height: 20px;
    display: block;
    border-radius: 5px;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-style: solid;

.actions > a.green {
    background-color: green;
    border-color: darkgreen;

.actions > a.orange {

And so on.

like image 37
Alessandro Vendruscolo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Alessandro Vendruscolo