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Unsupported Configuration



I'm trying to understand the concept of the storyboard, but I get this warning:
Unsupported Configuration: Segues initiated directly from view controllers must have an identifier for use with -[UIViewController performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:]

What I want to do:
I've got a tabbar with 4 tabs, these tabs lead to different NavigationControllers with TableViewControllers in them. The 4 different TableViewControllers share the same DetailViewController. When I try to connect the last connection (TableViewController -> NaviagtionViewController -> DetailViewController) I get that warning.

I hope I explained it clear enough.


like image 729
dododedodonl Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 01:11


1 Answers

When you get this warning and you have like 50 segues.. is there an easy way to find which is the one with identifier missing?

like image 70
clopez Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01
