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Unsupported certificate type. Common Name (CN)

Attempting to upload a new production notification certificate on parse.com gives me the following error

Unsupported certificate type. Common Name (CN) must contain one of: Apple Production IOS Push Services, Apple Development IOS Push Services, Pass Type ID, Apple Development Mac Push Services, Apple Production Mac Push Services.

It appears the Common name for prod certs are now Apple Push Services: com.kylebrowning.youfree

Am I missing something?

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Kyle Browning Avatar asked Dec 17 '15 23:12

Kyle Browning

Video Answer

3 Answers

No, you're not missing anything. This is problem with parse.com itself. Just wait when it will be fixed on their side.

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Danko Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 23:01


I have also faced same problem.

While we are exporting Production certificate from Apple.

Common Name before was : Apple Production IOS Push Services:[Bundle name]
And Now : Apple Push Services:[Bundle name]

May be this is the reason Parse fails to validate certificate.

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Amit Bhavsar Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 22:01

Amit Bhavsar

Facebook is currently investigating.


EDIT: It is now working.

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Kyle Browning Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 23:01

Kyle Browning