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Update a row in Parse.com

What I have is when an edit button is clicked the values in two input fields create a new row and the old row is dropped.Below is the code i used but what i want is that the original row is updated and not deleted. Live Example of how using the code below works.

editBtn.onclick = function () {
    alert("Edit Btn");
    alert(name.value + " " + Lname.value);

    contact.save(null, {
    success: function (contact) {

        contact.set("FirstName", name.value);
        contact.set("LastName", Lname.value);

                success: function (myObject) {

                error: function (myObject, error) {

                alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

just to clarify I want to update the rows not create a new one while deleting the old one.

EDIT: Link to above question asked in parse forums.

EDIT: more information added in link as a reply to a comment.

EDIT: I added this code which is actually editing the first name ("NewFname") but It wont update the last name ("NewLname").

editBtn.onclick = function () {

                    var query = new Parse.Query(Contact);
                    query.equalTo("LastName", NewLname.value);
                        success: function (Contact) {
                            Contact.save(null, {
                                success: function (contact) {

                                    contact.set('FirstName', NewFname.value);
                                    contact.set('LastName', NewLname.value);


Where I have query.equalTo("LastName", NewLname.value), I tried to put in objectId i.e. (query.equalTo("objectId"); but that didn't work for me.

any ideas?


like image 571
Thomas Mannion Avatar asked May 08 '13 15:05

Thomas Mannion

1 Answers

I managed to get it updating with this code.

editBtn.onclick = function () {
    var query = new Parse.Query(Contact);
    query.equalTo("objectId", object.id);
        success: function (Contact) {
            Contact.save(null, {
                success: function (contact) {
                    contact.set("FirstName", NewFname.value);
                    contact.set("LastName", NewLname.value);
like image 120
Thomas Mannion Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Thomas Mannion