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Unresolved reference: compileKotlin in build.gradle.kts


Kotlin project success build by build.gradle:

compileKotlin {     kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } compileTestKotlin {     kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } 


But I need to change to build.gradle.kts:

 plugins {     kotlin("jvm") version "1.2.10"     id("application") }  group = "com.myproject" version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"  application {     mainClassName = "MainKt" }  java.sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8  repositories {     mavenCentral()     jcenter() }  val kotlinVer = "1.2.10"  dependencies {     compile(kotlin(module = "stdlib-jre8", version = kotlinVer))     implementation("com.google.code.gson:gson:2.7")     implementation("com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:3.8.0")     implementation("com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.1.0")     implementation("com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.5.0")     implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8")  }  compileKotlin {     kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8" } compileTestKotlin {     kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8" } 

and now I get error:

Line 32: compileKotlin {            ^ Unresolved reference: compileKotlin 
like image 299
Alexei Avatar asked Apr 01 '19 13:04


1 Answers

There's an issue in the Kotlin Gradle DSL that causes this.


You will need to use the following workaround until it gets resolved.

tasks.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile> {     kotlinOptions {         jvmTarget = "1.8"     } } 
like image 145
Some Noob Student Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Some Noob Student