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How do I conditionally create a stored procedure in SQL Server?


As part of my integration strategy, I have a few SQL scripts that run in order to update the database. The first thing all of these scripts do is check to see if they need to run, e.g.:

if @version <> @expects     begin         declare @error varchar(100);         set @error = 'Invalid version. Your version is ' + convert(varchar, @version) + '. This script expects version ' + convert(varchar, @expects) + '.';         raiserror(@error, 10, 1);     end else     begin         ...sql statements here...     end 

Works great! Except if I need to add a stored procedure. The "create proc" command must be the only command in a batch of sql commands. Putting a "create proc" in my IF statement causes this error:

 'CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE' must be the first statement in a query batch. 

Ouch! How do I put the CREATE PROC command in my script, and have it only execute if it needs to?

like image 955
Josh Hinman Avatar asked Sep 10 '08 23:09

Josh Hinman

People also ask

How do I write an if statement in SQL stored procedure?

If the Boolean expression contains a SELECT statement then it should be enclosed in parentheses. sql_statement | statement_block: A single or multiple statements that need to be executed. To include multiple statements, enclosed them between BEGIN and END keywords. The ELSE block is optional.

Can we call stored procedure in SELECT statement?

We can not directly use stored procedures in a SELECT statement.

Can we write procedure in SELECT statement?

You cannot call a procedure in a select statement, because it does not return anything.

2 Answers

Here's what I came up with:

Wrap it in an EXEC(), like so:

if @version <> @expects     begin         ...snip...     end else     begin         exec('CREATE PROC MyProc AS SELECT ''Victory!''');     end 

Works like a charm!

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Josh Hinman Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Josh Hinman

SET NOEXEC ON is good way to switch off some part of code

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies WHERE name = 'SQL_CLR_Functions')   SET NOEXEC ON GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CLR_CharList_Split(@list nvarchar(MAX), @delim nchar(1) = N',') RETURNS TABLE (str nvarchar(4000)) AS EXTERNAL NAME SQL_CLR_Functions.[Granite.SQL.CLR.Functions].CLR_CharList_Split GO SET NOEXEC OFF 

Found here: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/10490/conditional-create-must-be-the-only-statement-in-the-batch

P.S. Another way is SET PARSEONLY { ON | OFF }.

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Proggear Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
