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Unix-style tools on Windows?




At work (a mostly Unix development shop), I've had an OS X box for the past 1.5 years and a Linux box before that. Due to various circumstances, I'll be getting a Windows XP laptop in the next few weeks. I'm of mixed feelings about this - it's good in that, as a manager, I'm used to running a Windows install (via Parallels) for Excel, Outlook, etc., but it's bad in that I'll miss all of the Unix tools available on OS X.

So, my question to you (community wiki perhaps?) is: What sort of tools would a Unix developer find handy when using a Windows machine? I'd like to be able to do some development on the machine (Perl, mostly), and also easily remote to other (Unix) machines. Here's what I've been recommended so far:

Editor: gvim


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Chris Simmons Avatar asked Sep 12 '09 05:09

Chris Simmons

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1 Answers

You want cygwin -- and secondarily, for when you absolutely have to work in a CMD.EXE console, unxutils.

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Alex Martelli Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10

Alex Martelli