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Unity: Build up a dictionary

I'm converting a Castle/Monorails application into a Unity/Asp.NET MVC one, I'm stuck in trying to converting this component configuration:

  service="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.IConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll"
  type="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.ConfigurableConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll">
    <!-- Setting Configuration (Dictionary<string,string>)-->
        <entry key="localHost">#{LocalHost}</entry>            
        <entry key="contentHost">#{ContentHost}</entry>
        <entry key="virtualDir">#{VirtualDir}</entry>            

seems that Unity supports Array but not Dictionary, I would like to do something like this:

            <type name="ComponentBaseConfiguration" type="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.IConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll" mapTo="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.ConfigurableConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll">
                <typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration">
                    <property name="Config" propertyType="System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib], [System.String, mscorlib]],mscorlib">
                            <entry key="localHost"></keyedValue>
                            <entry key="contentHost">\\content</keyedValue>
                            <entry key="virtualDir">/</keyedValue>

How can I achieve something like this?

like image 381
kentaromiura Avatar asked Sep 15 '09 13:09


People also ask

Does unity serialize dictionary?

Unity cannot serialize standard dictionaries. This means that they won't show or be edited in the inspector and they won't be instantiated at startup. A classic workaround is to store the keys and values in separate arrays and construct the dictionary at startup.

Can unity show dictionary in inspector?

Unity cannot serialize dictionaries by default. Make a struct/class that contains a key and a value, and expose a list of those objects.

What are dictionaries used for in unity?

Dictionaries — Unity C# The Dictionary type steps away from arrays and lists by storing value pairs in each element, instead of single values. These elements are referred to as key-value pairs: the key acts as the index, or lookup value, for its corresponding value. Unlike arrays and lists, dictionaries are unordered.

1 Answers

I think you have to use the method-element to archive this. It´s not nice but a workaround.

Your type must define a method Add(string key, string value) which the unity container uses to inject the values.

<method name="Add">
 <param name="key" parameterType="string">
  <value value="localHost"/>
 <param name="value" parameterType="string">
  <value value=""/>

Unity definitely does not support dictionaries for container configuration. See Build Dictionaries using Unity container?

like image 159
Jehof Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10
