Is there a way to test Mail in Laravel 5? tried the only legit Mock example I see on the internet but it seems it only works on Laravel 4. current code below.
$mock = Mockery::mock('Swift_Mailer');
...some more codes here...
->andReturnUsing(function($msg) {
$this->assertEquals('My subject', $msg->getSubject());
$this->assertEquals('', $msg->getTo());
$this->assertContains('Some string', $msg->getBody());
this is the contents of ApiClient.php, the last line is line 155, which is indicated in the stack trace.
Mail::queue('emails.error', [
'error_message' => $error_message,
'request' => $request,
'stack_trace' => $stack_trace
], function ($message) use ($error_message) {
$message->to(env('MAIL_TO_EMAIL'), env('MAIL_TO_NAME'))->subject("[Project Error] " . $error_message);
below is the stack trace
Method Mockery_0__vendor_Swift_Mailer::getTransport() does not exist on this mock object
in addition, adding use Mockery;
gets the following error.
PHP Warning: The use statement with non-compound name 'Mockery' has no effect in /Users/BON/WebServer/project/tests/unit_tests/ApiClientUnitTest.php on line 9
This frustrates me for hours to the point that i'm already asking here on SO. It's just weird that Laravel doesn't have a direct support for testing mails when unittesting when they decided to upgrade to version 5.
Cost me the better part of an afternoon but this is finally what worked - I passed in a Closure and gave it a Mockery object
Code being tested:
$subject = "The subject";
Mail::send('emails.emailTemplate', ['user' => $user ],
function( $mail ) use ($user, $subject){
$mail -> to( $user -> email)
-> subject( $subject );
Test that worked:
$subject = "The subject";
$user = factory(App\Models\User::class) -> create();
Mail::shouldReceive('send') -> once() -> with(
m::on( function( $data ){
$this -> assertArrayHasKey( 'user', $data );
return true;
m::on( function(\Closure $closure) use ($user, $subject){
$mock = m::mock('Illuminate\Mailer\Message');
$mock -> shouldReceive('to') -> once() -> with( $user -> email )
-> andReturn( $mock ); //simulate the chaining
$mock -> shouldReceive('subject') -> once() -> with($subject);
return true;
Just discovered from the Laravel 5 documentation that Facades are treated differently and have their own ways to be tested. Since i'm using a Mail Facade, i did a bit of experimentation from the meager info produced in the Laravel 5 documentation page. so here's the code i used
// Mock the Mail Facade and assert that it receives a Mail::queue()
// with [whatever info you wish to check is passed. in my case, they're error contents]
->andReturnUsing(function($view, $view_params) {
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