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unit testing angularjs directive

I would like to start doing unit testing for my angularjs project. That's far from being straight forward, I find it really difficult. I'm using Karma and Jasmine. For testing my routes and the app dependencies, I'm fine. But how would you test a directive like this one ?

angular.module('person.directives', []).
directive("person", function() {
return {
    restrict: "E",
    templateUrl: "person/views/person.html",
    replace: true,
    scope: {
        myPerson: '='
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {



How would I test for instance that the template was found ?

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Sam Avatar asked Apr 16 '13 07:04


People also ask

How do you write a test case for a directive in AngularJS?

If a directive creates its own scope and you want to test against it, you can get access to that directive's scope by doing var directiveScope = myElement. children(). scope() - It will get the element's child (the directive itself), and get the scope for that. For testing timeouts, you can use $timeout.

What is unit testing in AngularJS?

Share. Unit testing is referred to as testing of smallest individual parts of an application independently. We will be looking at how to implement unit testing using Jasmine & Karma with an Angular JS application.

Is AngularJS code unit testable?

AngularJS is written with testability in mind, but it still requires that you do the right thing. We tried to make the right thing easy, but if you ignore these guidelines you may end up with an untestable application.

Does Angular have unit testing?

An Angular unit test is based on a describe container, which has several different blocks such as it , beforeEach , and xit . The beforeEach block always runs first. Other blocks do not depend on each other and may run in any order. Almost all unit tests use two utilities called TestBed and async .

1 Answers

Here is the way to go https://github.com/vojtajina/ng-directive-testing

Basically, you use beforeEach to create, compile and expose an element and it's scope, then you simulate scope changes and event handlers and see if the code reacts and update elements and scope appropriately. Here is a pretty simple example.

Assume this:

scope: {
  myPerson: '='
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
  element.bind('click', function() {console.log('testes');
    scope.$apply('myPerson = "clicked"');

We expect that when user clicks the element with the directive, myPerson property becomes clicked. This is the behavior we need to test. So we expose the compiled directive (bound to an element) to all specs:

var elm, $scope;


beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $compile) {
  $scope = $rootScope.$new();
  elm = angular.element('<div t my-person="outsideModel"></div>');

Then you just assert that:

it('should say hallo to the World', function() {
  expect($scope.outsideModel).toBeUndefined(); // scope starts undefined
  elm.click(); // but on click
  expect($scope.outsideModel).toBe('clicked'); // it become clicked

Plnker here. You need jQuery to this test, to simulate click().

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Caio Cunha Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09

Caio Cunha