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How to display column dynamically using ag-grid

I am new to angularjs technology.I'm using ag-grid and want to display column dynamically

my json data is:


My Expected Output is Expected Output

Existing Code is given below

$scope.gridOptions = {
    columnDefs: [],
    enableFilter: true,
    rowData: [],
    rowSelection: 'multiple',
    rowDeselection: true
 $scope.customColumns = [];
function Getdetails()
     .success(function (Student) {
        f (Student.length != 0) {
             for(var i=0;i<Student.length;i++) {
                         headerName: Student[i].Name,
                         field: "Mark",
                         headerClass: 'grid-halign-left'

            $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = $scope.customColumns;
            $scope.gridOptions.rowData = Student;
      .error(function (error) {
          $scope.status = 'Unable to load data: ' + error.message;

Existing Output is given below Existing Output

How can reach my Expected Output From the existing output

like image 991
Suny Saju Avatar asked Jan 02 '16 06:01

Suny Saju

2 Answers

First arrange the json data

[{Date:'12-12-2015',ammu:20,appu:24,anu:27},{Date:'13-12-2016' ammu:23,anu:20}]

for this purpose i'm using following code

             function generateChartData() {
             var chartData = [],
               categories = {};
             for ( var i = 0; i <Student.length; i++ ) {
                 var newdate = Student[ i ].Date;
                 var Name=Student[ i ].Name;
                 var Mark=Student[ i ].Mark;
                // add new data point
                 if ( categories[ newdate ] === undefined ) {
                     categories[ newdate ] = {
                         DATE: newdate
                     chartData.push( categories[ newdate ] );

                 // add value to existing data point

                 categories[ newdate ][ Name] = Mark;

             return chartData;

grid option is given below:

 $scope.gridOptions = {
             columnDefs: coldef(),
             enableFilter: true,
             rowData: [],
             rowSelection: 'multiple',
             rowDeselection: true,
             enableColResize: true,

        $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = $scope.customColumns;
        $scope.gridOptions.rowData =generateChartData();
        $scope.gridOptions.rowData = generateChartData();

column definition is dynamic which is given below

  function coldef()
    for(var i=0;i<headers.length;i++) {
                                  headerName: headers[i],
                                  headerClass: 'grid-halign-left',
                                  filter: 'set',
        } }

in this header is an array . this array contain different student names

 var headers=new Array();
 var Names= Student.map(function (item) { return item.Name}); 
 Names= Names.filter(function (v, i) { return Names.indexOf(v) == i; }); 
         for(var i=1;i<=Names.length;i++)
like image 61
Suny Saju Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Suny Saju

It seems that you are using an async call to get your data so when the call suceeds the grid is already initialized.

After the grid is initialiazed you need to use the grid API (gridOptions.api...) instead of girdOptions.columnsDef (see http://www.ag-grid.com/angular-grid-api/index.php)

like image 43
Sebastien Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
