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Unit Testing and Code Coverage Frameworks for Objective-C?

I'm planning to write couple applications for iPhone and wonder if there are any Unit Testing and Code Coverage Frameworks for Objective-C?

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Roman Kagan Avatar asked Apr 15 '10 15:04

Roman Kagan

People also ask

What is the best unit test framework for C?

The most scalable way to write unit tests in C is using a unit testing framework, such as: CppUTest. Unity. Google Test.

Which framework is used for unit testing?

For performing unit tests on Java-based applications, developers often use two frameworks: JUnit and NUnit. Developed by Erick Gamma and Kent Beck, JUnit is the preferred choice for automating unit tests for Java-based applications. It was developed with the sole intention of writing and running repeatable tests.

What is code coverage in unit testing?

Unit tests help to ensure functionality and provide a means of verification for refactoring efforts. Code coverage is a measurement of the amount of code that is run by unit tests - either lines, branches, or methods.

1 Answers

For unit testing iPhone apps there is OCTest or Googles iPhoneUnitTesting

For a mocking framework you can use OCMock. Here is the guide to getting it to work with the iPhone.

GCov can be used for code coverage.

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Mongus Pong Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Mongus Pong