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Uninterrupted background music on website

I was making a website for a music band, and i was wondering the best way to play background music on the website without interrupting the flow of the music (even for a split second).

At the moment, i am considering using frames, but this is not supposed to be good practice. Please someone tell me how i can do this. I would prefer to use HTML to code the website as i have not yet mastered coding in flash.

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Seedorf Avatar asked Feb 09 '09 21:02


3 Answers

This might sound controversial, but here's an idea: Don't play music on your website. Seriously, don't. I think everyone knows how incredibly annoying that is, and asking a group of software developers to help you out with that is going to be like asking a group of sheep the best way to make a lambskin coat.

If you really have to do it, frames would be the simplest way, so I'd do that. But you're not going to do it anyway, right?

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Alex Fort Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Alex Fort

I can think of four ways:

  • Frames, as you said.
  • Make your entire website in Flash and have only one page. You need to know Flash to be able to do this, which could make this difficult.
  • Pop-out your music player. This is probably the easiest approach, but the downside is this could be annoying, and a lot of web browsers these days would block it.
  • Use AJAX and dynamically load all your site content within one page, like Gmail. Users will need to have newer browsers, and this will take quite a bit of coding on both the client and the server side.
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Ray Hidayat Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Ray Hidayat

The only way to prevent the music from stopping is to not let the page your music component is on reload. Currently the only way to do this is to use frames, unfortunately.

The only alternative is to develop the whole site in Flash or another technology that doesn't rely on changing pages as navigation.

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Brandon Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
