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UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Invalid Address: Aundefined. How to handle it?

I am looping through Sheet 1 of an Excel file which contains 3 columns with 100s of rows of data (strings) and comparing each cell in a row against rows of combinations in Sheet 2.

Checking should start using Sheet 1 row by row, seeing if each cell's value in the row matches anywhere what is in Sheet 2, row by row. If a check fails, then further checks on that row should cease and the next row to be checked commences. Cells in Sheet 1 that couldn't be matched should be marked red.

My code below is close to what I need, but throws an error if there are 2 or more cells in a row of Sheet 1 (E.g. Row 1: B2 and B3) which don't match anything in any row of Sheet 2.


(node:9040) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Invalid Address: Aundefined
    at Object.validateAddress (C:\node_modules\exceljs\dist\es5\utils\col-cache.js:86:13)
    at new module.exports (C:\node_modules\exceljs\dist\es5\doc\cell.js:29:12)
    at module.exports.getCellEx (C:\node_modules\exceljs\dist\es5\doc\row.js:55:14)
    at module.exports.getCell (C:\node_modules\exceljs\dist\es5\doc\row.js:72:41)
    at C:\so.js:56:61
    at C:\node_modules\exceljs\dist\es5\doc\worksheet.js:370:11
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at module.exports.eachRow (C:\node_modules\exceljs\dist\es5\doc\worksheet.js:368:18)
    at C:\so.js:16:19
    at <anonymous>
(node:9040) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:9040) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Example data:

Sheet 1:

| COL A | COL B  | COL C  |
| bob   | one    | silver |
| bob   | eleven | blue   |
| bob   | eleven | red    |
| bob   | eleven | red    |
| bob   | one    | red    |
| bob   | eight  | red    |
| bob   | eight  | red    |
| bob   | eight  | red    |
| terry | seven  | yellow |
| terry | seven  | yellow |
| terry | seven  | gold   |

Sheet 2:

| COL A | COL B  | COL C  |
| bob   | eleven | blue   |
| bob   | eleven | red    |
| bob   | eight  | red    |
| terry | seven  | yellow |
| terry | seven  | orange |

According to the example data, there should be three cells (B1, B5 and C11) marked red in Sheet 1 of new.xlsx. E.g.

enter image description here

This is a scenarios example PDF of how the checking should take place:

enter image description here


// Import the library
var Excel = require('exceljs'),
    moment = require('moment'),
    // Define Excel filename
    ExcelFile = 'so.xlsx',
    // Read from the file
    workbook = new Excel.Workbook();

        // Use workbook
        var dataSheet = workbook.getWorksheet('Sheet 1'),
            masterSheet = workbook.getWorksheet('Sheet 2');

        dataSheet.eachRow({ includeEmpty: false }, function(dataRow, dataRowNumber)
            var dataRowCells =
                    dataCell1: dataRow.getCell('A'),
                    dataCell2: dataRow.getCell('B'),
                    dataCell3: dataRow.getCell('C')
                isdataRowOK = false,
                cellNames = ['A','B','C'];

            masterSheet.eachRow({ includeEmpty: false }, function(masterRow, masterRowNumber)
                    var numberOfGoodCellsInRow = 0;

                    for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                        if(dataRowCells['dataCell' + i].value === masterRow.getCell(cellNames[i-1]).value)

                    if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow == 2)
                        oneOfBestMasterRowNumber = masterRowNumber;

                    if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow == 3)
                        isdataRowOK = true

                var masterRowForCheck = masterSheet.getRow(oneOfBestMasterRowNumber);

                for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    var dataCell = dataRowCells['dataCell' + i];
                    if(dataCell.value !== masterRowForCheck.getCell(cellNames[i-1]).value)
                        // Mark this failed cell as color red
                        dataCell.style = Object.create(dataCell.style); // Shallow-clone the style, break references
                        dataCell.fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern:'solid', fgColor:{argb:'FA8072'}}; // Set background


        return workbook.xlsx.writeFile('new.xlsx');
like image 795
dom_ahdigital Avatar asked Dec 12 '18 11:12


1 Answers

The source for this error was the second call from line:


On this place the variable oneOfBestMasterRowNumber should be not undefined if 3 cells in row are bad because after it if getRow('undefined') then we have an error. And because of it we check it now before like follows and write for it the value 1 (1. row number) because it does not matter in this case.

if(oneOfBestMasterRowNumber == void 0) //void 0 - undefined
    oneOfBestMasterRowNumber = 1;

And one place more we should change: instead of code lines:

if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow == 2)
    oneOfBestMasterRowNumber = masterRowNumber;

we should write the lines:

if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow > numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow)
    numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow = numberOfGoodCellsInRow;
    oneOfBestMasterRowNumber = masterRowNumber;

because not only one cell could be bad in the row. We have also the new variable numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow also now.

I think it is better if two or three cells in the row are marked if they are bad, but if you want only one cell in the row then you can uncomment break; after cell colorizing.

See also my comments in the code below:

// Import the library
var Excel = require('exceljs'),
    moment = require('moment'),
    // Define Excel filename
    ExcelFile = 'so.xlsx',
    // Read from the file
    workbook = new Excel.Workbook();

        // Use workbook
        var dataSheet = workbook.getWorksheet('Sheet 1'),
            masterSheet = workbook.getWorksheet('Sheet 2');

        dataSheet.eachRow({ includeEmpty: false }, function(dataRow, dataRowNumber)
            var dataRowCells =
                    dataCell1: dataRow.getCell('A'),
                    dataCell2: dataRow.getCell('B'),
                    dataCell3: dataRow.getCell('C')
                isdataRowOK = false,
                cellNames = ['A','B','C'],
                numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow = 0;

            masterSheet.eachRow({ includeEmpty: false }, function(masterRow, masterRowNumber)
                    var numberOfGoodCellsInRow = 0;

                    for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                        if(dataRowCells['dataCell' + i].value === masterRow.getCell(cellNames[i-1]).value)

                    //here we detect if 1 or 2 cells are bad
                    if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow > numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow)
                        numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow = numberOfGoodCellsInRow;
                        oneOfBestMasterRowNumber = masterRowNumber;

                    if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow == 3)
                        isdataRowOK = true

            //here was error source: oneOfBestMasterRowNumber
            //should be not undefined if 3 cells in row are bad
            if(oneOfBestMasterRowNumber == void 0)//void 0 - undefined
                oneOfBestMasterRowNumber = 1;

                //here was error place: if getRow('undefined') then was error
                var masterRowForCheck = masterSheet.getRow(oneOfBestMasterRowNumber);

                for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    var dataCell = dataRowCells['dataCell' + i];
                    if(dataCell.value !== masterRowForCheck.getCell(cellNames[i-1]).value)
                        // Mark this failed cell as color red
                        dataCell.style = Object.create(dataCell.style); // Shallow-clone the style, break references
                        dataCell.fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern:'solid', fgColor:{argb:'FA8072'}}; // Set background
                        //break; uncomment this if you want only one cell as color red marked in the row


        return workbook.xlsx.writeFile('new.xlsx');

Example visualisation

I have translated the Node.js code into client JavaScrpt code to demonstrate it with checking from two different datasets (imitations of Excel tables) in the snippet below :

function checkDataset(obj)
    var radios = obj.parentNode.elements['dataset'],
        i = radios.length;

    for(; i--;)
            dataSetNumber = i;

    var dataSheet = xlsFile['data' + dataSetNumber],
        masterSheet = xlsFile['master' + dataSetNumber];

    dataSheet.forEach(function(dataRow, dataRowIndex)
        var dataRowCells =
                dataCell1: dataRow.A,
                dataCell2: dataRow.B,
                dataCell3: dataRow.C
            isdataRowOK = false,
            cellNames = ['A','B','C'],
            numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow = 0;

        masterSheet.forEach(function(masterRow, masterRowIndex)
                var numberOfGoodCellsInRow = 0;

                for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    if(dataRowCells['dataCell' + i].value === masterRow[cellNames[i-1]].value)

                //here we detect if 1 or 2 cells are bad
                if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow > numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow)
                    numberOfGoodCellsInBestRow = numberOfGoodCellsInRow;
                    oneOfBestMasterRowIndex = masterRowIndex;

                if(numberOfGoodCellsInRow == 3)
                    isdataRowOK = true

        //oneOfBestMasterRowIndex should be not undefined if 3 cells in row are bad
        if(oneOfBestMasterRowIndex == void 0)//void 0 - undefined
            oneOfBestMasterRowIndex = 0;

            var masterRowForCheck = masterSheet[oneOfBestMasterRowIndex];

            for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                var dataCell = dataRowCells['dataCell' + i];
                if(dataCell.value !== masterRowForCheck[cellNames[i-1]].value)
                    // Mark this failed cell as color red
                    dataCell.bgColor = 'red';
                    //break; uncomment this if you want only one cell as color red marked in the row


    var table = '<table border="1"><tr style="background:#00a;color:#fff">'
                + '<th>A</th><th>B</th><th>C</th></tr>';

    dataSheet.forEach(function(dataRow, dataRowIndex)
        table += '<tr>';
        for(var i in dataRow)
            table += '<td bgcolor="' + (dataRow[i].bgColor ? 'red' : '')
                        + '">' + dataRow[i].value + '</td>';

        table += '</tr>';
    document.write(table + '</table>');

function cells(strValues)
    var v = strValues.split('\t');
    return{A: {value: v[0]}, B: {value: v[1]}, C: {value: v[2]}}

var xlsFile =
    //Dataset 1:
        cells('bob	sacsac	sxcsc'),
        cells('sacfbrb	eleven	blue'),
        cells('ascasc	one	red'),
        cells('tyjytn	one	red'),
        cells('ascsac	one	red'),
        cells('terry	elf	yellow'),
        cells('terry	seven	elf'),
        cells('terry	elf	elf'),
        cells('terry	elf	elf'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('terry	elf	elf'),
        cells('terry	seven	orange'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('santa	mary	jane'),
        cells('bob	zero	mauve'),
        cells('bob	one	silver'),
        cells('bob	eleven	blue'),
        cells('bob	eleven	red'),
        cells('bob	eleven	red'),
        cells('bob	one	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('terry	seven	gold')
        cells('bob	eleven	blue'),
        cells('bob	eleven	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('bob	seven	yellow'),
        cells('terry	seven	orange'),
        cells('tiger	one	red')

    //Dataset 2:
        cells('bob	one	blue'),
        cells('bob	eleven	blue'),
        cells('bob	eleven	red'),
        cells('bob	eleven	red'),
        cells('bob	one	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('terry	seven	gold')
        cells('bob	eleven	blue'),
        cells('bob	eleven	red'),
        cells('bob	eight	red'),
        cells('terry	seven	yellow'),
        cells('terry	seven	orange')
<form method="post" action="#">
    <p><b>Which dataset do you want check?</b></p>
    <label><input type="radio" name="dataset">Dataset 1</label><br>
    <label><input type="radio" name="dataset" checked>Dataset 2</label><br><br>
    <input type="button" value="Check it" onclick="checkDataset(this)">

Merry christmas and happy new year!

like image 129
Bharata Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10
