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Ungrouping effect?

I have a dynamic set of data X of the form:

x.id | x.allocated | x.unallocated
foo  | 2           | 0
bar  | 1           | 2

And I need to get to a result of Y (order is unimportant):

y.id | y.state
foo  | allocated
foo  | allocated
bar  | allocated
bar  | unallocated
bar  | unallocated

I have a UTF based solution, but I'm looking for hyper-efficiency so I'm idly wondering if there's a statement based, non-procedural way to get this kind of "ungroup by" effect?

It feels like an unpivot, but my brain can't get there right now.

like image 249
annakata Avatar asked Aug 12 '10 15:08


1 Answers

If you have a numbers table in your database, you could use that to help get your results. In my database, I have a table named Numbers with a Num column.

Declare @Temp Table(id VarChar(10), Allocated Int, UnAllocated Int)

Insert Into @Temp Values('foo', 2, 0)
Insert Into @Temp Values('bar',1, 2)

Select T.id,'Allocated' 
From   @Temp T 
       Inner Join Numbers 
          On T.Allocated >= Numbers.Num
Union All
Select T.id,'Unallocated' 
From   @Temp T 
       Inner Join Numbers 
          On T.unAllocated >= Numbers.Num
like image 187
George Mastros Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 15:11

George Mastros