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Undesired rounding of DateTime in SQL Server

I ran into something that seems odd. SQL Server appears to be rounding some DateTime values inappropriately when I save them to datetime columns. I suspect I'm missing something, but I can't spot it. I'm running this test against SQL Server 2008 using .NET 4.0. The following should illustrate the issue:

I have created a table in in SQL Server called Timestamps. It has two columns:

id - bigint, Identity, PK
timestamp - datetime

I also created a simple test that does the following:

  1. Gets the current time, truncating the value to millisecond precision
  2. Saved the truncated time to Timestamps
  3. Retrieved the datetime` value from the DB and compared it to the original (truncated) DateTime object.
public static void RoundTest()
    DateTime preTruncation = DateTime.UtcNow;
    DateTime truncated = preTruncation.TruncateToMilliseconds();

    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["test"].ConnectionString))
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO Timestamps(timestamp) 
                                            SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS id");
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("savedTime", truncated));
        cmd.Connection = conn;
        var id = cmd.ExecuteScalar();

        SqlCommand get = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT timestamp FROM Timestamps 
                                            WHERE id = @id");

        get.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("id", id));
        get.Connection = conn;
        DateTime retrieved = (DateTime)get.ExecuteScalar();

        if (retrieved != truncated)
            Console.WriteLine("original: " + preTruncation.TimeOfDay);
            Console.WriteLine("truncated: " + truncated.TimeOfDay);
            Console.WriteLine("retrieved: " + retrieved.TimeOfDay);

Although I expect the truncated value to be equivalent to the value returned back from the DB, that is not always the case. Here's some sample output:

original: 19:59:13.4049965
truncated: 19:59:13.4040000
retrieved: 19:59:13.4030000

original: 19:59:14.4989965
truncated: 19:59:14.4980000
retrieved: 19:59:14.4970000

original: 19:59:15.4749965
truncated: 19:59:15.4740000
retrieved: 19:59:15.4730000

original: 19:59:30.1549965
truncated: 19:59:30.1540000
retrieved: 19:59:30.1530000

TruncateToMilliseconds() looks like this:

public static DateTime TruncateToMilliseconds(this DateTime t)
    return new DateTime(t.Year, t.Month, t.Day, t.Hour, t.Minute, t.Second, t.Millisecond);

What gives? Is this really inappropriate rounding, or am I making a mistaken assumption here?

like image 479
Odrade Avatar asked Nov 29 '10 20:11


People also ask

How do you round off datetime in SQL?

Rounding or truncating timestamps are especially useful when you're grouping by time. If you are rounding by year, you can use the corresponding function: select year(getdate()) as 'Year'; Be careful if you are grouping by months or smaller timestamp fragments (weeks, days, hours, minutes).

Is there a roundup function in SQL?

SQL Server ROUND() Function The ROUND() function rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. Tip: Also look at the FLOOR() and CEILING() functions.

1 Answers

Datetime is only accurate to 3ms. Therefore it'll round to the nearest multiple of 3ms. To overcome this, look at the datetime2. Note that this is for SQL2008+ only

EDIT: it's not quite only to 3ms. It's rounded to increments of of .000, .003, or .007 seconds

like image 93
Mike M. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Mike M.