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How to get the IDENTITY value when using INSERT ... OUTPUT with pyodbc

I am trying to get the ID of a newly inserted row by using OUTPUT. However, I encountered the HY010 error. The following query/code is what I use:

string = """
         SET NOCOUNT ON;

         INSERT INTO dbo.t1 (Username, Age)
         OUTPUT inserted.id INTO @NEWID(ID)
         VALUES(?, ?)


cursor.execute(string, "John Doe", 35)
id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

the last line id = cursor.fetchone()[0] led to a HY010 error (see below). Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

pyodbc.Error: ('HY010', '[HY010] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Function sequence error (0) (SQLFetch)')
like image 631
Alex Avatar asked Nov 08 '17 20:11


People also ask

How do you find the value of the identity column after insert?

Once we insert a row in a table, the @@IDENTITY function column gives the IDENTITY value generated by the statement. If we run any query that did not generate IDENTITY values, we get NULL value in the output. The SQL @@IDENTITY runs under the scope of the current session.

What does Pyodbc connect return?

Returns a new Cursor Object using the connection. pyodbc supports multiple cursors per connection but your database may not.

What is cursor in Pyodbc?

Cursors represent a database cursor (and map to ODBC HSTMTs), which is used to manage the context of a fetch operation. Cursors created from the same connection are not isolated, i.e., any changes done to the database by a cursor are immediately visible by the other cursors.

2 Answers

I was able to reproduce your issue, and I was able to avoid it by retrieving the id value immediately after the INSERT and before the commit. That is, instead of

cursor.execute(string, "John Doe", 35)
id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

I did

cursor.execute(string, "John Doe", 35)
id = cursor.fetchone()[0]  # although cursor.fetchval() would be preferred
like image 172
Gord Thompson Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Gord Thompson

For me only this worked with Azure SQL Serverless (using pyodbc==4.0.28):

cursor.execute(insert_statement, param_value_list)
cursor.execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS ID;")
return cursor.fetchone()[0]
like image 24
Blink Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
