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Understanding the behavior of a single ampersand operator (&) on integers

I understand that the single ampersand operator is normally used for a 'bitwise AND' operation. However, can anyone help explain the interesting results you get when you use it for comparison between two numbers?

For example;

(6 & 2) = 2
(10 & 5) = 0
(20 & 25) = 16
(123 & 20) = 16

I'm not seeing any logical link between these results and I can only find information on comparing booleans or single bits.

like image 563
Jonathan Avatar asked Jan 21 '11 10:01


People also ask

What is the ampersand operator?

The AMPERSAND operator joins several text strings into one text string. You can also use the Concatenate Function instead of the Ampersand (&) calculation operator.

What does a single ampersand mean in C++?

The bitwise AND operator in C++ is a single ampersand & , used between two other integer expressions. Bitwise AND operates on each bit position of the surrounding expressions independently, according to this rule: if both input bits are 1, the resulting output is 1, otherwise the output is 0.

What does single & operator mean?

For integer arguments, the single ampersand ("&")is the "bit-wise AND" operator. The double ampersand ("&&") is not defined for anything but two boolean arguments.

What does a single ampersand mean in Java?

If both the operands are true, then the condition becomes true otherwise it is false. Assume boolean variable A holds true and variable B holds false then (A && B) is false. & is to be used during bitwise operations and && is useful during logical operations.

3 Answers

Compare the binary representations of each of those.

    110 &     010 =     010
   1010 &    0101 =    0000
  10100 &   11001 =   10000
1111011 & 0010100 = 0010000

In each case, a digit is 1 in the result only when it is 1 on both the left AND right side of the input.

like image 69
Jeffrey Hantin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

Jeffrey Hantin

You need to convert your numbers to binary representation and then you will see the link between results like 6 & 2= 2 is actually 110 & 010 =010 etc 10 & 5 is 1010 & 0101 = 0000

like image 6
Valentin Kuzub Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

Valentin Kuzub

The binary and operation is performed on the integers, represented in binary. For example

110  (6)
010  (2)
010  (2)
like image 4
abesto Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10
