There are many similar questions, but apparently no perfect match, that's why I'm asking.
I'd like to split a random string (e.g. 123xx456yy789
) by a list of string delimiters (e.g. xx
, yy
) and include the delimiters in the result (here: 123
, xx
, 456
, yy
, 789
Good performance is a nice bonus. Regex should be avoided, if possible.
Update: I did some performance checks and compared the results (too lazy to formally check them though). The tested solutions are (in random order):
Other solutions were not tested because either they were similar to another solution or they came in too late.
This is the test code:
class Program { private static readonly List<Func<string, List<string>, List<string>>> Functions; private static readonly List<string> Sources; private static readonly List<List<string>> Delimiters; static Program () { Functions = new List<Func<string, List<string>, List<string>>> (); Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Gabe (l).ToList ()); Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Guffa (l).ToList ()); Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Naive (l).ToList ()); Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Regex (l).ToList ()); Sources = new List<string> (); Sources.Add (""); Sources.Add (Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ()); string str = ""; for (int outer = 0; outer < 10; outer++) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { str += i + "**" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; } str += "-"; } Sources.Add (str); Delimiters = new List<List<string>> (); Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { }); Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { "-" }); Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { "**" }); Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { "-", "**" }); } private class Result { public readonly int FuncID; public readonly int SrcID; public readonly int DelimID; public readonly long Milliseconds; public readonly List<string> Output; public Result (int funcID, int srcID, int delimID, long milliseconds, List<string> output) { FuncID = funcID; SrcID = srcID; DelimID = delimID; Milliseconds = milliseconds; Output = output; } public void Print () { Console.WriteLine ("S " + SrcID + "\tD " + DelimID + "\tF " + FuncID + "\t" + Milliseconds + "ms"); Console.WriteLine (Output.Count + "\t" + string.Join (" ", Output.Take (10).Select (x => x.Length < 15 ? x : x.Substring (0, 15) + "...").ToArray ())); } } static void Main (string[] args) { var results = new List<Result> (); for (int srcID = 0; srcID < 3; srcID++) { for (int delimID = 0; delimID < 4; delimID++) { for (int funcId = 3; funcId >= 0; funcId--) { // i tried various orders in my tests Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch (); sw.Start (); var func = Functions[funcId]; var src = Sources[srcID]; var del = Delimiters[delimID]; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { func (src, del); } var list = func (src, del); sw.Stop (); var res = new Result (funcId, srcID, delimID, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, list); results.Add (res); res.Print (); } } } } }
As you can see, it was really just a quick and dirty test, but I ran the test multiple times and with different order and the result was always very consistent. The measured time frames are in the range of milliseconds up to seconds for the larger datasets. I ignored the values in the low-millisecond range in my following evaluation because they seemed negligible in practice. Here's the output on my box:
S 0 D 0 F 3 11ms 1 S 0 D 0 F 2 7ms 1 S 0 D 0 F 1 6ms 1 S 0 D 0 F 0 4ms 0 S 0 D 1 F 3 28ms 1 S 0 D 1 F 2 8ms 1 S 0 D 1 F 1 7ms 1 S 0 D 1 F 0 3ms 0 S 0 D 2 F 3 30ms 1 S 0 D 2 F 2 8ms 1 S 0 D 2 F 1 6ms 1 S 0 D 2 F 0 3ms 0 S 0 D 3 F 3 30ms 1 S 0 D 3 F 2 10ms 1 S 0 D 3 F 1 8ms 1 S 0 D 3 F 0 3ms 0 S 1 D 0 F 3 9ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 0 F 2 6ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 0 F 1 5ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 0 F 0 5ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 1 F 3 63ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 1 D 1 F 2 37ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 1 D 1 F 1 29ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 1 D 1 F 0 22ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 1 D 2 F 3 30ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 2 F 2 10ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 2 F 1 10ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 2 F 0 12ms 1 9e5282ec-e2a2-4... S 1 D 3 F 3 73ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 1 D 3 F 2 40ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 1 D 3 F 1 33ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 1 D 3 F 0 30ms 9 9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37 S 2 D 0 F 3 10ms 1 0**634226552821... S 2 D 0 F 2 109ms 1 0**634226552821... S 2 D 0 F 1 5ms 1 0**634226552821... S 2 D 0 F 0 127ms 1 0**634226552821... S 2 D 1 F 3 184ms 21 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226 552821... - 0**634226552821... - S 2 D 1 F 2 364ms 21 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226 552821... - 0**634226552821... - S 2 D 1 F 1 134ms 21 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226 552821... - 0**634226552821... - S 2 D 1 F 0 517ms 20 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226 552821... - 0**634226552821... - S 2 D 2 F 3 688ms 201 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... ** S 2 D 2 F 2 2404ms 201 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... ** S 2 D 2 F 1 874ms 201 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... ** S 2 D 2 F 0 717ms 201 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... ** S 2 D 3 F 3 1205ms 221 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... ** S 2 D 3 F 2 3471ms 221 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... ** S 2 D 3 F 1 1008ms 221 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... ** S 2 D 3 F 0 1095ms 220 0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6 34226552821217... **
I compared the results and this is what I found:
To conclude this topic, I suggest to use Regex, which is reasonably fast. If performance is critical, I'd prefer Guffa's implementation.
You can use the split() method of String class from JDK to split a String based on a delimiter e.g. splitting a comma-separated String on a comma, breaking a pipe-delimited String on a pipe, or splitting a pipe-delimited String on a pipe.
Split(char[]) Method This method is used to splits a string into substrings that are based on the characters in an array. Syntax: public String[] Split(char[] separator); Here, separator is a character array that delimits the substrings in this string, an empty array that contains no delimiters, or null.
Use the Split method when the substrings you want are separated by a known delimiting character (or characters). Regular expressions are useful when the string conforms to a fixed pattern. Use the IndexOf and Substring methods in conjunction when you don't want to extract all of the substrings in a string.
Despite your reluctance to use regex it actually nicely preserves the delimiters by using a group along with the Regex.Split
string input = "123xx456yy789"; string pattern = "(xx|yy)"; string[] result = Regex.Split(input, pattern);
If you remove the parentheses from the pattern, using just "xx|yy"
, the delimiters are not preserved. Be sure to use Regex.Escape on the pattern if you use any metacharacters that hold special meaning in regex. The characters include \, *, +, ?, |, {, [, (,), ^, $,., #
. For instance, a delimiter of .
should be escaped \.
. Given a list of delimiters, you need to "OR" them using the pipe |
symbol and that too is a character that gets escaped. To properly build the pattern use the following code (thanks to @gabe for pointing this out):
var delimiters = new List<string> { ".", "xx", "yy" }; string pattern = "(" + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d)) .ToArray()) + ")";
The parentheses are concatenated rather than included in the pattern since they would be incorrectly escaped for your purposes.
EDIT: In addition, if the delimiters
list happens to be empty, the final pattern would incorrectly be ()
and this would cause blank matches. To prevent this a check for the delimiters can be used. With all this in mind the snippet becomes:
string input = "123xx456yy789"; // to reach the else branch set delimiters to new List(); var delimiters = new List<string> { ".", "xx", "yy", "()" }; if (delimiters.Count > 0) { string pattern = "(" + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d)) .ToArray()) + ")"; string[] result = Regex.Split(input, pattern); foreach (string s in result) { Console.WriteLine(s); } } else { // nothing to split Console.WriteLine(input); }
If you need a case-insensitive match for the delimiters use the RegexOptions.IgnoreCase
option: Regex.Split(input, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
EDIT #2: the solution so far matches split tokens that might be a substring of a larger string. If the split token should be matched completely, rather than part of a substring, such as a scenario where words in a sentence are used as the delimiters, then the word-boundary \b
metacharacter should be added around the pattern.
For example, consider this sentence (yea, it's corny): "Welcome to stackoverflow... where the stack never overflows!"
If the delimiters were { "stack", "flow" }
the current solution would split "stackoverflow" and return 3 strings { "stack", "over", "flow" }
. If you needed an exact match, then the only place this would split would be at the word "stack" later in the sentence and not "stackoverflow".
To achieve an exact match behavior alter the pattern to include \b
as in \b(delim1|delim2|delimN)\b
string pattern = @"\b(" + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d))) + @")\b";
Finally, if trimming the spaces before and after the delimiters is desired, add \s*
around the pattern as in \s*(delim1|delim2|delimN)\s*
. This can be combined with \b
as follows:
string pattern = @"\s*\b(" + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d))) + @")\b\s*";
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