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Understanding private methods in Ruby

People also ask

Are private methods inherited in Ruby?

In general, private methods can't be inherited in object-oriented programming languages. But in Ruby, private methods can also be inherited just like protected and public methods. The public method can be accessed outside the class in which they are defined.

Why is my method private Ruby?

If a method is private in Ruby, then it cannot be called by an explicit receiver (object). It can only be call implicitly. It can be called implicitly by the class in which it has been described in as well as by the subclasses of this class. As you can see, private methods can be called only implicitly.

How do you access protected methods in Ruby?

You need to remove the protected modifier if you can. This is the recommended way. If the code is fixed and you cannot modify that piece of code, you can use the Object#send method. Object#send will bypass the visibility constraint and can access even private methods.

How do you make a class private in Ruby?

The classic way to make class methods private is to open the eigenclass and use the private keyword on the instance methods of the eigenclass — which is what you commonly refer to as class methods.

Here's the short and the long of it. What private means in Ruby is a method cannot be called with an explicit receivers, e.g. some_instance.private_method(value). So even though the implicit receiver is self, in your example you explicitly use self so the private methods are not accessible.

Think of it this way, would you expect to be able to call a private method using a variable that you have assigned to an instance of a class? No. Self is a variable so it has to follow the same rules. However when you just call the method inside the instance then it works as expected because you aren't explicitly declaring the receiver.

Ruby being what it is you actually can call private methods using instance_eval:

class Foo
  def bar(value)
    puts "value = #{value}"

f = Foo.new
  f.bar("This won't work")
rescue Exception=>e
  puts "That didn't work: #{e}"
f.instance_eval{ bar("But this does") }

Hope that's a little more clear.

-- edit --

I'm assuming you knew this will work:

class Foo
 def public_m
  private_m # Removed self.
 def private_m
  puts 'Hello'


The definition of private in Ruby is "can only be called without an explicit receiver". And that's why you can only call private methods without an explicit receiver. There is no other explanation.

Note that there actually is an exception to the rule: because of the ambiguity between local variables and method calls, the following will always be resolved to be an assignment to a local variable:

foo = :bar

So, what do you do if you want to call a writer called foo=? Well, you have to add an explicit receiver, because without the receiver Ruby simply won't know that you want to call the method foo= instead of assigning to the local variable foo:

self.foo = :bar

But what do you do if you want to call a private writer called foo=? You can't write self.foo = because foo= is private and thus cannot be called with an explicit receiver. Well, actually for this specific case (and this case alone), you can actually use an explicit receiver of self to call a private writer.

It's weird, but many things about Ruby's visibility modifiers are weird. Even if self is the implicit receiver, actually spelling it out makes it explicit in the eyes of the Ruby runtime. When it says that private methods cannot be called with an explicit receiver, that is what it means, even self counts.

IIRC, private methods allow only implicit receiver (which is always self, of course).

Sorry for my prevoius answer. I just don't understand your question.

I changed your code like this:

class Foo
 def public_m
  private_m # <=

 def Foo.static_m
   puts "static"

 def self.static2_m
   puts "static 2"

 def private_m
  puts 'Hello'


Here is a call of instance method:

 def public_m
  private_m # <=

Here are a call of class methods:

 def Foo.static_m
   puts "static"

 def self.static2_m
   puts "static 2"
