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Understanding performance: mongo aggregation vs count

If I do a count query, I get the results in <2seconds

db.coll.find({"A":1,"createDate":{"$gt":new Date("2011-05-21"),"$lt":new Date("2013-08-21")}}).count()

This uses the following index


Similarly, there are 4 columns A,B,C,D(values are always 0 or 1) for which I run 4 count queries and get results in <10seconds.

I looked at the aggregation framework documentation and created an aggregated query to do all 4 sums together.

db.coll.aggregate(  { $match : {"createDate":{$gt:new Date("2013-05-21"),$lt:new Date("2013-08-21")} } },
{ $group :
                         { _id:null,
                         totalA : { $sum : "$A" },
                         totalB : {$sum: "$B},
                         totalC:{$sum: "$C"},
                         totalD:{$sum: "$D"}}} 

I also created an index:


According to the documentation, this index covers my aggregate function. But the return of the aggregate is in ~18seconds.

I'm confused here. Is there anything basic which I missed or is there any fundamental concept lying behind which makes aggregation slower than count. I am also concerned about the overhead due to number of queries to be fired from mongo from the code for fetching count.

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crazydiv Avatar asked Feb 21 '14 06:02


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1 Answers

Firstly, though not documented for 2.4.8 you can run an explain using the db.runCommand invocation:

    aggregate: "coll",
    pipeline: [      
        { $match : 
            {"createDate":{$gt:new Date("2013-05-21"),$lt:new Date("2013-08-21")} } 
        { $group : { 
              totalA: {$sum :"$A"},
              totalB: {$sum: "$B"},
              totalC: {$sum: "$C"},
              totalD: {$sum: "$D"}
    explain: true

Which will give you some insight into what is happening.

Also, and primarily, you are comparing apples to oranges.

When you issue a count() on a query, it is using the cursor result properties to get the number of documents that matched.

Under aggregation, you are selecting an extended match and then compacting all of those results into a sum of all the items. If your initial $match has lots of results, then all of these need to be crunched together with $sum.

Have a look at explain, and try to conceptually understand the differences. Aggregation is great for what you generally want it to do. But maybe this isn't the best use case.

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Neil Lunn Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10

Neil Lunn