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Understanding large php code, what techniques to use?

I have been handed over a large undocumented code of a application written in php as the original coder went AWOL. My task is to add new features but I can't do that without understanding the code.I started poking around. honestly, I am overwhelmed by the amount of source code. I have found:

  • Its well written based upon MVC architecture, DB persistence, Templating & OOP
  • modular, there is concept of URL based routing,basic templating
  • Uses custom written php framework which has no documentation.And there no source control history(oops!)
  • there over 500 files, with each file containing hundreds of line of code. And every file has 3-4 require_once statements which include tons of other files, so its kinda hard to tell which function/class/method is coming from where

Now I am looking for some techniques that I use to understand this code. for example, consider the following code snippet:

class SiteController extends Common {

private $shared;
private $view;

protected function init(){



private function loadShared(){
    $this->shared = new Home();

private function loadView(){
    $this->view = new HomeView();

I want to know

  • where HomeView() & Home() are defined? Where does $this->shared & this->view come from? I checked the rest of the file, there is no method named shared or view. so obviously, they coming from one of hundreds of classes being included using require_once() But which one? how can I find out?
  • Can I get a list of all the functions or methods that are being executed? If yes, then how?
  • this class SiteController overrides a base Common class. But I unable to find out where is this Common class is located. How to tell?

Further, Please share some techniques that that be used to understand existing code written in php?

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CuriousMind Avatar asked Apr 06 '11 21:04


2 Answers

First, in this kind of situation, I try to get an overview of the application : some kind of global idea of :

  • What the application (not the code !) does
  • How the code is globally organized : where are the models, the templates, the controllers, ...
  • How each type of component is structured -- once you know how a Model class works, others will typically work the same way.

Once you have that global idea, a possibility to start understanding how the code works, if you have some time before you, is to use a PHP Debugger.
About that, Xdebug + Eclipse PDT is a possibility -- but pretty much all modern IDEs support that.

It'll allow you to go through the generation of a page step by step, line by line, understanding what is called, when, from where, ...

Of course, you will not do that for the whole application !
But as your application uses a Framework, there are high chances that all parts of the application work kind of the same way -- which means that really understanding one component should help understanding the other more easily.

As a couple of tools to understand what calls what and how and where, you might want to take a look at :

  • The inclued extension (quoting) : Allows you trace through and dump the hierarchy of file inclusions and class inheritance at runtime
  • Xdebug + KCacheGrind will allow you to generate call-graphs ; XHProf should do the same kind of thing.
  • Using your IDE (Eclipse PDT, Zend Studio, phpStorm, netbeans, ...), ctrl+click on a class/method should bring you to its declaration.

Also note that an application is not only code : it often find very useful to reverse-engineer the database, to generate a diagram of all tables.

If you are lucky, there are foreign keys in your database -- and you'll have links between tables, this way ; which will help you understand how they relate to each other.

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Pascal MARTIN Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11


You need an IDE. I use netbeans for PHP and it works great. This will allow you to find out where the homeview/home classes are by right clicking and selecting a "find where defined" option or something similar.

You can get a list. This is called the stack. Setting up a debugger like xdebug with the IDE will allow you to do this.

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k to the z Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11

k to the z