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Understanding Fortran extends types and override

I am trying to understand the object-oriented concepts in Fortran 2003 standards (or later). I have some knowledge in C++ so I think there are some common ideas between these two languages which can help me understand them better.

In C++, the polymorphism is done through class derivation and member function overriding. One defines a "abstract" base class where almost all the virtual functions are defined. Different derived classes contains the actual implementation of them. So other functions just need to program based on the "abstract" class. Then they works for all derived classes.

I think in Fortran, the OOP is done in a similar way but there are some differences. In my opinion, it is needed to define a base type with some virtual functions just like C++. And other functions/subroutines should follow the member function definition in the base type. That's the way of resolving the reuse of the function/subroutines for all extends types.

I don't have a better idea on how to program the idea. Here is my first attempt:

type Basis
    integer                                 :: NBasis
    procedure                               :: DoNothing
    generic, public                         :: Constructor => DoNothing
    generic, public                         :: AllocateBasis => DoNothing
endtype Basis

type, extends(Basis) :: GridBasis
    integer                                 :: NGrid
    procedure                               :: ConstructorGrid1
    procedure                               :: ConstructorGrid2
    generic, public                         :: Constructor => ConstructorGrid1, ConstructorGrid2, ConstructorGrid3
    procedure                               :: AllocateGridReal
    procedure                               :: AllocateGridCplx
    generic, public                         :: AllocateBasis => AllocateGridReal, AllocateGridCplx
endtype GridBasis
  • First, how can I define the "AllocateBasis" in type Basis such that it works like the "virtual function" and all extended types must define their own version of "AllocateBasis"?

  • Second, how can I define "AllocateBasis" in type GridBasis? The definition here contains the real implementation of it.

  • Third, how can I make "AllocateBasis" in type GridBasis a overload function? i.e. there are real version and complex version and both of them are named "AllocateBasis" with real or complex input allocatable arrays.

  • Fourth, NOPASS vs PASS. As I understand, if PASS is set then there is a explicit pointer to the object. But when NOPASS is set, there is no such a thing. So PASS is simplify for clarification?

like image 401
FortCpp Avatar asked Aug 20 '14 17:08


People also ask

What is inheritance in Fortran?

A Fortran class can only inherit characteristics from a single class; multiple inheritance is not allowed. All non-sequence derived types inherit from System%Object, regardless of whether they are extensible or not. Sequence derived types inherit from System%Valuetype, and are not extensible.

What is polymorphism in Fortran?

A polymorphic entity is a data entity that is able to be of differing types during program execution. The type of a data entity at a particular point during execution of a program is its dynamic type.

What are derived data types in Fortran?

A derived type is a special form of data type that can encapsulate other built-in types as well as other derived types. It could be considered equivalent to struct in the C and C++ programming languages.

1 Answers

First some comments/answers to your questions:

  • You can declare a type bound procedure being deferred. Then you have to define its signature (interface) only without a specific implementation. The type containing the deferred procedure must be declared abstract. Such types can not be instantiated. All extending types must provide an implementation for the given procedure, unless they are themselves abstract.

  • In order to provide an implementation for a deferred procedure in an extending type, you just declare the procedure in the extending type and provide an implementation for it.

  • You can not turn a public procedure of a given type into a generic in an extending type. You can, however, define a generic already in the base type and extend it in its derived types.

  • The pass attribute is set by default, so that the first argument of the procedure will be the type instance. You can, however, specify it to make it more explicit. Additionally, you could use it in the form PASS(ARGNAME) to specify, which argument (ARGNAME) should be the instance. This argument needs not be the first one in the procedure.

Below you find a self containing example, which should contain all the features you asked for:

module basis_module
  implicit none

  type, abstract :: Basis
    integer :: NBasis
    procedure(allocBasisR1Interface), deferred :: allocateBasisR1
    generic :: allocateBasis => allocateBasisR1
  end type Basis

    ! Interface for real basis allocation
    subroutine allocBasisR1Interface(self, array)
      class(Basis), intent(inout) :: self
      real, intent(in) :: array(:)
    end subroutine allocBasisR1Interface
  end interface

end module basis_module

module extension_module
  use basis_module
  implicit none

  type, extends(Basis) :: GridBasis
    ! Extending the mapping allocateBasis => allocateBasisR1 of
    ! the parent type.
    generic :: allocateBasis => allocateBasisC1
    procedure :: allocateBasisC1
    ! Implementation for the deferred procedure in Basis
    procedure :: allocateBasisR1
  end type GridBasis


  subroutine allocateBasisR1(self, array)
    class(GridBasis), intent(inout) :: self
    real, intent(in) :: array(:)

    self%NBasis = size(array)
    print *, "GridBasis:allocateBasisR1"

  end subroutine allocateBasisR1

  subroutine allocateBasisC1(self, array)
    class(GridBasis), intent(inout) :: self
    complex, intent(in) :: array(:)

    self%NBasis = size(array)
    print *, "GridBasis:allocateBasisC1"

  end subroutine allocateBasisC1

end module extension_module

program test
  use extension_module
  implicit none

  type(GridBasis) :: mybasis
  real :: myRealArray(10)
  complex :: myComplexArray(5)

  call mybasis%allocateBasis(myRealArray)
  call mybasis%allocateBasis(myComplexArray)

end program test
like image 188
Bálint Aradi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10

Bálint Aradi