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C++11 Delete overridden Method


This is a question about best practices regarding a new meaning of the delete operator introduced with C++11 when applied to a child class overriding an inherited parent's virtual method.


Per the standard, the first use case cited is to explicitly disallow calling functions for certain types where conversions would otherwise be implicit such as the example from §8.4.3 of the latest C++11 standard draft:

struct sometype {
    sometype() = delete; // OK, but redundant
    some_type(std::intmax_t) = delete;

The above example is clear and purposeful. However, the following example where the new operator is overridden and prevented from being called by defining it as deleted started me thinking about other scenarios that I later identify in the question section (the example below is from §8.4.3 of the C++11 standard draft):

struct sometype {
    void *operator new(std::size_t) = delete;
    void *operator new[](std::size_t) = delete;
sometype *p = new sometype; // error, deleted class operator new
sometype *q = new sometype[3]; // error, deleted class operator new[]


By extension of this thought to inheritance, I am curious to other's thoughts regarding whether the following usage example is a clear and valid use-case or if it is an unclear abuse of the newly added feature. Please provide justification for your answer (the example that provides the most compelling reasoning will be accepted). In the example that follows, the design attempts to maintain two versions of library (the library is required to be instantiated) by having the second version of the library inherit from the first. The idea is to allow bug fixes or changes made to the first library version to automatically propagate to the second library version while allowing the second library version to focus only on its differences from the first version. To deprecate a function in the second library version, the delete operator is used to disallow a call to the overridden function:

class LibraryVersion1 {
    virtual void doSomething1() { /* does something */ }
    // many other library methods
    virtual void doSomethingN() { /* does something else */ }

class LibraryVersion2 : public LibraryVersion1 {
    // Deprecate the doSomething1 method by disallowing it from being called
    virtual void doSomething1() override = delete;

    // Add new method definitions
    virtual void doSomethingElse() { /* does something else */ }

Though I can see many benefits to such an approach, I think I tend more toward the thought that it is an abuse of the feature. The primary pitfall I see in the above example is that the classic "is-a" relationship of inheritance is broken. I have read many articles that strongly recommend against any use of inheritance to express a "sort-of-is-a" relationship and to instead use composition with wrapper functions to clearly identify the relationships of the classes. While the following often-frowned-upon example requires more effort to implement and maintain (regarding the number of lines written for this piece of code, since every inherited function to be available publicly must be explicitly called out by the inheriting class), the use of delete as depicted above is very similar in many ways:

class LibraryVersion1 {
    virtual void doSomething1() { /* does something */ }
    virtual void doSomething2() { /* does something */ }
    // many other library methods
    virtual void doSomethingN() { /* does something */ }

class LibraryVersion2 : private LibraryVersion1 {
    // doSomething1 is inherited privately so other classes cannot call it
    // Explicitly state which functions have not been deprecated
    using LibraryVersion1::doSomething2();
    //  ... using (many other library methods)
    using LibraryVersion1::doSomethingN();

    // Add new method definitions
    virtual void doSomethingElse() { /* does something else */ }

Thank you in advance for your answers and further insight into this potential use-case of delete.

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statueuphemism Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 18:01


People also ask

What is override in C ++ 11?

C++11 adds two inheritance control keywords: override and final. override ensures that an overriding virtual function declared in a derived class has the same signature as that of the base class. final blocks further derivation of a class and further overriding of a virtual function.

Can you override an overridden method?

You cannot override a non-virtual or static method. The overridden base method must be virtual , abstract , or override . An override declaration cannot change the accessibility of the virtual method. Both the override method and the virtual method must have the same access level modifier.

Can you override an overridden method C ++?

In C++, there's no way to forbid it, it's just that by definition of "override", only virtual functions can be "overridden".

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override Keyword in C++ Basically function overriding means redefine a function which is present in the base class, also be defined in the derived class. So the function signatures are the same but the behavior will be different.

1 Answers

Paragraph 8.4.3/2 of the C++ Standard indirectly forbids deleting a function which overrides a virtual function:

"A program that refers to a deleted function implicitly or explicitly, other than to declare it, is ill-formed. [ Note: This includes calling the function implicitly or explicitly and forming a pointer or pointer-to-member to the function"

Invoking an overriding virtual function through a pointer to the base class is an attempt to implicitly invoke the function. Therefore, per 8.4.3/2, a design that allows this is illegal. Also notice that no C++11 conforming compiler will let you delete an overriding virtual function.

More explicitly, the same is mandated by Paragraph 10.3/16:

"A function with a deleted definition (8.4) shall not override a function that does not have a deleted definition. Likewise, a function that does not have a deleted definition shall not override a function with a deleted definition."

like image 134
Andy Prowl Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10

Andy Prowl