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Understanding COCO evaluation "maximum detections"

I started using the cocoapi to evaluate a model trained using the Object Detection API. After reading various sources that explain mean average precision (mAP) and recall, I am confused with the "maximum detections" paramter used in the cocoapi.

From what I understood (e.g. here, here or here), one calculates mAP by calculating precision and recall for various model score thresholds. This gives the precision-recall curve and mAP is calculated as an approximation to the area under this curve. Or, expressed differently, as the average of the maximum precision in defined recall ranges (0:0.1:1).

However, the cocoapi seems to calculate precision and recall for a given number of maximum detections (maxDet) with the highest scores. And from there get the precision-recall curve for maxDets = 1, 10, 100. Why is this a good metric since it is clearly not the same as the above method (it potentially excludes datapoints)?

In my example, I have ~ 3000 objects per image. Evaluating the result using the cocoapi gives terrible recall because it limits the number of detected objects to 100.

For testing purposes, I feed the evaluation dataset as the ground truth and the detected objects (with some artificial scores). I would expect precision and recall pretty good, which is actually happening. But as soon as I feed in more than 100 objects, precision and recall go down with increasing number of "detected objects". Even though they are all "correct"! How does that make sense?

like image 696
mincos Avatar asked Oct 16 '18 15:10


People also ask

What is maxDets?

Or, expressed differently, as the average of the maximum precision in defined recall ranges (0:0.1:1). However, the cocoapi seems to calculate precision and recall for a given number of maximum detections ( maxDet ) with the highest scores. And from there get the precision-recall curve for maxDets = 1, 10, 100 .

What is Coco evaluator?

COCO Dataset consists of annotated images with face keypoints and object detection keypoints and also contains an evaluator to perform bounding box measurements. COCO Dataset can be used to train the dataset for an image segmentation problem into a deep learning model.

What is average recall?

Average recall (AR) Average recall describes the area doubled under the Recall x IoU curve. The Recall x IoU curve plots recall results for each IoU threshold where IoU ∈ [0.5,1.0], with IoU thresholds on the x-axis and recall on the y-axis.

2 Answers

You can change the maxDets parameter and define a new summarize() instance method.

Let's create a COCOeval object:

cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt,cocoDt,annType)
cocoEval.params.maxDets = [200]
cocoEval.params.imgIds  = imgIdsDt
cocoEval.summarize_2() # instead of calling cocoEval.summarize()

Now, define summarize_2() method in cocoeval.py module in the following way:

def summarize_2(self):
    # Copy everything from `summarize` method here except
    # the function `_summarizeDets()`.
    def _summarizeDets():
        stats = np.zeros((12,))
        stats[0] = _summarize(1, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[1] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.5, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[2] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.75, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[3] = _summarize(1, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[4] = _summarize(1, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[5] = _summarize(1, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[6] = _summarize(0, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[9] = _summarize(0, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[10] = _summarize(0, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        stats[11] = _summarize(0, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0])
        return stats
    # Copy other things which are left from `summarize()` here.

If you run the above method over your dataset, you will get an output similar to this:

 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=200 ] = 0.507
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50      | area=   all | maxDets=200 ] = 0.699
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.75      | area=   all | maxDets=200 ] = 0.575
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=200 ] = 0.586
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=200 ] = 0.519
 Average Precision  (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=200 ] = 0.501
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=   all | maxDets=200 ] = 0.598
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=200 ] = 0.640
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=200 ] = 0.566
 Average Recall     (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=200 ] = 0.564
like image 189
ashkan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10


I came to the conclusion, that this is just the way that the cocoapi defines its metric. It probably makes sense in their context, but I can as well define my own (which is what I did), based on the articles I read and linked above.

like image 43
mincos Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10
