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How can I use Tensorflow with react-native? [closed]

I've looked around the web and cant seem to find a way to use React Native with TensorFlow.

I don't think TF supports react-native (at least not officially) integration but i hope someone in the community has found a way.

How can one use TensorFlow in a React Native project?



TensorFlow.js PoseNet in React Native!

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Ally Jr Avatar asked Jan 27 '17 21:01

Ally Jr

People also ask

Can you use TensorFlow With react-native?

tfjs-react-native provides a TensorFlow. js platform adapter for react native. All symbols are named exports from the tfjs-react-native package.

Can I use TensorFlow With react JS?

js (ReactJS) TensorFlow. js (or, in short, tfjs) is a library that lets you create, train, and use trained Machine Learning models in Javascript!

2 Answers

This article explains using tensorflow with native android development. https://omid.al/posts/2017-02-20-Tutorial-Build-Your-First-Tensorflow-Android-App.html

I also needs a tf supporting library for react-native. But it seems as you said there is no library yet.

Here they have built an adroid app with react native with tensorflow support, have a look, https://github.com/NorthFoxz/whatsthis

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Dinuka Salwathura Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Dinuka Salwathura

Came across the following Platform Adapter for React Native.

This package provides a TensorFlow.js platform adapter for react native. It provides GPU accelerated execution of TensorFlow.js supporting all major modes of tfjs usage

There is also a library react-native-tensorflow bridging tensorflow with react-native.

A TensorFlow inference library for react native.

They have recently added support for iOS, so it's available for both Android and iOS platforms.

To get started:

$ npm install react-native-tensorflow --save

Perform library link:

$ react-native link react-native-tensorflow

For iOS you will also need to use CocoaPods with content:

target '<ProjectName>'
       pod 'TensorFlow-experimental'

There are performance limitations due to the nature of react-native bridge when transferring large data between native side and JS. For other known issues and usage check out the library's documentation.

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Antoni4 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
