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Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: findComponentRoot(..., ...$110): Unable to find element. This probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated

What I'm doing wrong with nested cycles in React? I have searched information in Google and I didn't find anything suitable. Can you help me find, what I understand wrong?

As can be seen from the figure, I have data in a variable. And it works fine. But when I'm adding a value not from this <tr>, error appears!

    var TableBalls80 = React.createClass({
            var rows = this.props.rows;
            var columnId = 0, trKey = 0, divKey = 0, td1stKey = 0;
            var td2ndKey = 100;
                    <table className='table table-bordered bg-success'>
                                <tr className='danger'>
                                    {rows[0].row.map(function (element){
                                        return (
                                        <th colSpan="2" key={columnId}>{columnId}</th>);
                                    {rows.map(function (rowElement){
                                        return (<tr key={trKey++}>
                                            console.log('trKey:'+trKey+' td1stKey'+td1stKey+' ball.value:'+ball.value+' td2ndKey:'+td2ndKey+' ball.count:'+ball.count);
                                            return(<div key={divKey++}>
                                                <td className='info' key={td1stKey++}>{ball.value}</td><td key={td2ndKey++}>{ball.count}</td>

Error (depends on which item is added from another<tr>):

Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: findComponentRoot(..., .$0.$9.$109): >Unable to find element. This probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated (e.g., by the >browser), usually due to forgetting a when using tables, n......`.

like image 288
Eldar Nezametdinov Avatar asked Jul 29 '14 23:07

Eldar Nezametdinov

2 Answers

So the problem is you're creating a virtual DOM structure like this:


Because <div/> isn't a valid child of <tr> the browser actually creates DOM representing this:

<div> </div>


When react goes to update, it's looking at that <tr> and wondering where the <div> went. Instead it finds a <td> so it throws an error.

like image 96
Brigand Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10


I got the abovementioned error trying to do this for a test:

component = React.addons.TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<MyTableRow />)

My fix was to wrap it before rendering:

component = React.addons.TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<table><MyTableRow /></table>)
table = React.findDOMNode(component)
row = jQuery(table).find("tr")[0]
like image 4
Henrik N Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10

Henrik N