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Unable to start PostgreSQL



could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

I uninstalled and installed postgresql but nothing works for me.

$ sudo service postgresql start
 * Starting PostgreSQL 10 database server                                                                                                       
 * Failed to issue method call: Unit [email protected] failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status [email protected]' for details.

systemctl status postgresql 
Failed to issue method call: No such interface 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' on object at path /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/postgresql_2eservice

$ psql -V
psql (PostgreSQL) 10.4 (Ubuntu 10.4-2.pgdg14.04+1)
like image 681
krishna m Avatar asked Jul 23 '18 13:07

krishna m

People also ask

How do I start PostgreSQL in terminal?

`psql` on Terminal To get to the PostgreSQL terminal, open your terminal, start the database services ( brew services start postgresql) , then run psql .

How do I know if PostgreSQL is starting?

basically just type "systemctl status postgresql-xx" where xx is the version of your PostgreSQL instance. ex: systemctl status posgresql-10.

1 Answers

This problem /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432 is about permission,

did you change the database directory? if yes so you need to give write and read permission to the postgres

sudo chown -R postgres:postgres <directory_path>


sudo chmod -R 777 <directory_path>

case you cannot use remote access, on pg_config edit this line listen_addresses = 'localhost' to listen_addresses = '*'

and in the pg_hba.conf insert this line:

host    all  all  md5
like image 153
HudsonPH Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 20:11
