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After restoring dump in postgres some primary keys are missing



After dumping a database using pg_dump like so:

pg_dump --verbose --host=<host> --username=<user> -W --encoding=UTF-8 -j 10 --file=dump_bak  --format=d --dbname=<database>

and trying to reimport it with:

pg_restore -d <database> --host=<host> -n public --username=<user> -W --exit-on-error --format=d -j 10 --verbose dump_bak

…we are missing some of our Primary Keys. It looks like a few have been restored, but not all.

Any ideas?

like image 804
Uwe Allner Avatar asked Jun 02 '15 14:06

Uwe Allner

People also ask

How do I restore a dump file in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL Dump Import process can be carried out using psql command. You can use the psql utility to recover the SQL script file created by pg_dump, pg_dumpall, or any other tool that creates compatible backup files. You can run the complete script in the dump file with the psql tool.

Does pg_dump overwrite?

Restoring the data from pg_dump doesn't overwrite the data but it appends the data to the original database. New!

Where do Postgres dumps go?

sql , which uses the plain or SQL format, the pg_dump command does not store any file anywhere. It just sends the output to STDOUT , which is usually your screen, and it's done.

1 Answers

It seems that Postgres is a bit buggy there concerning existing connections. We have found a workaround:

Dump it with:

pg_dump --verbose --host=<dbhost> --username=<username> --encoding=UTF-8 --file=<dumpfile> --format=d --jobs=10 --dbname=<dbname>

Restore it with:

export PGPASSWORD="<pwd>"

#prevent new connections, kill existing connections
sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/psql -q -c "update pg_database set datallowconn = 'false' where datname = '<dbname>'; SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '<dbname>';"

#kick db
sudo -u postgres dropdb <dbname>

#recreate it
sudo -u postgres createdb <dbname>

#allow connections again
sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/psql -q -c "update pg_database set datallowconn = 'true' where datname = '<dbname>';"

#import data from dump
pg_restore --verbose -d <dbname> --host=$1 --username=<username> -j 4 <dumplocation>
like image 192
Uwe Allner Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Uwe Allner