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Unable to source .tmux.conf [closed]




My .tmux.conf looks like this

    base-index 0     bell-action any     buffer-limit 9     default-command ""     default-path ""     default-shell "/bin/bash"     default-terminal "screen"     destroy-unattached off     detach-on-destroy on     display-panes-colour blue     display-panes-active-colour red     display-panes-time 1000     display-time 750     history-limit 2000     lock-after-time 0     lock-command "lock -np"     lock-server on     message-attr none     message-bg yellow     message-fg black     message-limit 20     mouse-select-pane off     pane-active-border-bg default     pane-active-border-fg green     pane-border-bg default     pane-border-fg default     set -g prefix `     repeat-time 500     set-remain-on-exit off     set-titles off     set-titles-string "#S:#I:#W - "#T""     status on     status-attr none     status-bg green     status-fg black     status-interval 15     status-justify left     status-keys emacs     status-left "[#S]"     status-left-attr none     status-left-bg default     status-left-fg default     status-left-length 10     status-right ""#22T" %H:%M %d-%b-%y"     status-right-attr none     status-right-bg default     status-right-fg default     status-right-length 40     status-utf8 off     terminal-overrides "*88col*:colors=88,*256col*:colors=256"     update-environment "DISPLAY SSH_ASKPASS SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AGENT_PID SSH_CONNECTION WINDOWID XAUTHORITY"     visual-activity off     visual-bell off     visual-content off     visual-silence off 

when I source it with

source .tmux.conf

It gives the following error

-bash: base-index: command not found -bash: bell-action: command not found -bash: buffer-limit: command not found -bash: default-command: command not found -bash: default-path: command not found -bash: default-shell: command not found -bash: default-terminal: command not found -bash: destroy-unattached: command not found -bash: detach-on-destroy: command not found -bash: display-panes-colour: command not found -bash: display-panes-active-colour: command not found -bash: display-panes-time: command not found -bash: display-time: command not found -bash: history-limit: command not found -bash: lock-after-time: command not found -bash: lock-command: command not found -bash: lock-server: command not found -bash: message-attr: command not found -bash: message-bg: command not found -bash: message-fg: command not found -bash: message-limit: command not found -bash: mouse-select-pane: command not found -bash: pane-active-border-bg: command not found -bash: pane-active-border-fg: command not found -bash: pane-border-bg: command not found -bash: pane-border-fg: command not found -bash: /home/srijan/.tmux.conf: line 27: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``' -bash: /home/srijan/.tmux.conf: line 56: syntax error: unexpected end of file 
like image 774
Srijan Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 10:06


People also ask

How do I enable tmux conf?

Now you can quickly open the tmux config in tmux pane using <prefix> followed by shift + M , edit your configuration, and save when you done. To reload the tmux configuration use <prefix> followed by r .

Where is tmux config?

By default, tmux looks for user-specific configuration at ~/. tmux. conf , though ~/. config/tmux/tmux.

1 Answers

The problem is that you are trying to run it as a script file when it is a config that should sit in the root of your home directory, tmux will look for a file of that name in that location when you create a new session.

If you have a tmux session open you you can reload a config by typing

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf 
like image 187
Dave Sexton Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10

Dave Sexton