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Unable to run app in Simulator XCode 6.0

After migrating from XCode 5.0 to XCode 6.0 the project fails to run with the following error.

An error was encountered while running (Domain = FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain,
Code = 4)

Any suggestions?


like image 424
danfelabs Avatar asked Sep 12 '14 23:09


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You can also run iOS and tvOS apps on a wireless device if you pair the device with Xcode. For example, you can pair an Apple TV that’s already on your network with Xcode so it appears as a run destination in the toolbar. For watch-only apps, you can run the watchOS app over the paired iOS device.

2 Answers

iOS Simulator -> Reset Contents and Settings

Worked for me!

iOS Simulator -> Reset Contents and Settings... -> Reset

enter image description here

referenced from: http://qiita.com/tajihiro/items/f6f50b56162c93d25c90

like image 161
Jeff Walters Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Jeff Walters

I had this error too. My solution was product->clean

like image 45
xiaotest Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
