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Unable to restore stdout to original (only to terminal)



I need to output all my print statements to both terminal and file. I've found a solution in this stackoverflow question So i use

class Tee(object): 
    def __init__(self, name): 
        self.file = open(name, "a") 
        self.stdout = sys.stdout 
        sys.stdout = self 
    def __del__(self): 
        sys.stdout = self.stdout 
    def write(self, data): 

sys.stdout = Tee("log.txt")

That's works great ,

My problem is when i want to stop writing to file and go back to normal operation that's print only to terminal
I tried to use del(sys.stdout) to invoke the del method with no luck.
i even tried to change the last line to:

    multiple_print = Tee("log.txt")
    sys.stdout = multiple_print

and than use del(multiple_print) and failed

No matter what i tried , further uses of print still written to terminal and file both.

Any ideas?

like image 480
Gil.I Avatar asked Jan 08 '12 11:01


1 Answers

You need to save a reference to the original file-descriptor before reassignment:

oldstdout = sys.stdout

and afterwards reassign it to sys.stdout!

The del statement doesn't call __del__ directly, but rather decreases the reference counter of your object. the __del__ method is called if the reference counter reaches zero and your object is about to get destroyed. So you can't force the reassignment, because it's up to the garbage collector, to call your __del__ method.

You need to directly reassign the sys.stdout variable:


sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
like image 178
Don Question Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Don Question