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Unable to parse string to integer value

I really don't have the idea on why I am getting 0 value on this:

enter image description here

But this code works well:

int val = Convert.ToInt32("1546");    

Here is the appsetting:

<add key="PesoPayMerchantId" value="​1546"/>

Any idea?


I want to get the integer value of "1546", but it fails to work.
Here is the code for getting appsetting:

    public static string GetConfigurationString(string appSettingValue)
        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[appSettingValue];

I have tried your suggestions, and this is the result:

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

The string value is correct ("1546"), but it can't be parse to integer. What is happening here?

Edit 2

I am very sure that the value of:

<add key="PesoPayMerchantId" value="​1546"/>  

is really a combination of numbers "1546"
But when I try to re-write the string value using Immediate Window it can now be parsed. But still I can't figure out the very reason of this Bug?

enter image description here

Edit 3

Finally, it works now, thanks to Johnny

What I did is, I re-write the whole, <add key="PesoPayMerchantId" value="1546"/> and it can now be parsed. Thanks for all your help. :D

like image 642
fiberOptics Avatar asked Mar 14 '14 05:03


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2 Answers

The answer would be, re-write the config.
As I remember, I just copied and paste "1546" from a pdf file.
So lesson learned, don't be too lazy on typing values.

Additional Information:
I also remember that, I did copy and paste on gmail (google Chrome) and I found out that the text I copied contains hidden characters at the beginning.

like image 66
fiberOptics Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11


I can only think that you are experiencing some kind of weird globalization / Culture specific problem.

Given that you know the exact format of the number, you might try the Int32.TryParse Method (String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Int32) overload, e.g.:

int.TryParse(val, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out id);
like image 25
StuartLC Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11
