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EF 5, Code First - Create a new database and run all migrations programmatically

I'm using Entity Framework Code First migrations, and I have a scenario where I want to run a suite of integration tests. Each time the tests run, I want to re-create the database, and apply all migrations

The steps should be:

  1. Drop the existing test database (if any)
  2. Create a new test database, and apply all migrations
  3. Seed data

This is an existing project that I've added migrations to, and I used the Enable-Migrations command to create an "InitialCreate" migration that contains code to add all the tables to my database.

The code in my custom IDatabaseInitializer is as follows:

public void InitializeDatabase(MyContext context)
    //delete any existing database, and re-create

    //apply all migrations
    var dbMigrator = new DbMigrator(new Configuration());

    //seed with data


The Up method of my InitialCreate migration is not getting called by this code, which is not what I expected. Instead, all of the tables are created when the Database.Create() method is called. I need the InitialCreate migration to run because I have additional code in there to create stored procedures.

So my questions is, how do I programmatically create a new database and run all migrations (including the InitialCreate migration)?

like image 815
Matt Avatar asked Mar 28 '13 21:03


Video Answer

1 Answers

The following code has allowed me to meet the needs of my integration testing scenario outlined in the question, but surely there's a better way?

public void InitializeDatabase(MyContext context)
    //delete any existing database, and re-create

    var newDbConnString = context.Database.Connection.ConnectionString;
    var connStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(newDbConnString);
    var newDbName = connStringBuilder.InitialCatalog;

    connStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = "master";

    //create the new DB
    using(var sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connStringBuilder.ToString()))
        using (var createDbCmd = sqlConn.CreateCommand())
            createDbCmd.CommandText = "CREATE DATABASE " + newDbName;

    //wait up to 30s for the new DB to be fully created
    //this takes about 4s on my desktop
    var attempts = 0;
    var dbOnline = false;
    while (attempts < 30 && !dbOnline)
        if (IsDatabaseOnline(newDbConnString))
            dbOnline = true;

    if (!dbOnline)
        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Waited too long for the newly created database \"{0}\" to come online", newDbName));

    //apply all migrations
    var dbMigrator = new DbMigrator(new Configuration());

    //seed with data


private bool IsDatabaseOnline(string connString)
        using (var sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connString))
            return sqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open;
    catch (SqlException)
        return false;
like image 176
Matt Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 04:11
