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Unable to drag and drop to Eclipse

I have been draging and dropping from Windows Explorer to Eclipse since I've started using it, and now find myself unable to do so. When I drag a .java file over my package, the mouse cursor stays a circle with a diagonal bar through it and dropping does nothing. I have tried to change my workspace, create a fresh new workspace, deleted eclipse and redownloaded it. It still doesn't work. Making Eclipse run as admin doesn't solve the issue either.

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Lokdal Avatar asked Apr 20 '13 19:04


People also ask

How do I drag files into eclipse?

Importing a File To drag-and-drop, simply drag the icons of your files in your file system (that is in some directory in Windows, Mac OS, or Linux) over the title of your project in the Eclipse Package Explorer (usually found in the upper-left of your workbench layout).

1 Answers

There are at least two workarounds:

  • Use the menu File -> Import -> General -> File System
  • or use CtrlC in Windows Explorer, CtrlV in the Package Explorer of Eclipse.
like image 166
Bananeweizen Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
