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Eclipse displaying error but not giving error in console

I am trying to run my application but it is displaying error in the project explorer I had try to clean my application many time even restart the eclipse but no effect It is displaying error and also it is not giving me any error in the console. How to fix this issue?

enter image description here


And also I remove all the reference lib and add again but still getting error.

like image 402
Dharmendra Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 04:01


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1 Answers

Please follow the steps on this link. That user has the same problem. I have given answer there.


solve this issue by following below steps

  1. Go to Window => Show View => Problems
  2. Now I can see the error like debug certificate expired
  3. Now Delete the file ~/home/.android/debug.keystore
  4. Clean Project

For more information refer this link

like image 175
Lucifer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10
